City v Wigan Post Match Thread (FA Cup)

I think that's what we lacked on the pitch today, Kompany drives us forward, there was no leader on that pitch to get them going, Yaya is like a slapped arse when we go behind and I applaud Pellegrini for taking him off because he was going to get sent off. I'm royally pissed off those players didn't look up for it from the start, we shouldn't be chasing games we should be dominating them. To make too many changes is a mistake, yes rotate but just one or two each game, that way everyone gets a rest, had we won today they could have had Monday off and a bit of light training on Tuesday before the match on Wednesday. Now we are chasing a lost cause and then a huge ask in the league. Unfortunately our owners have different priorities than us mere fans and CL is theirs. Oh well there's always next season.
uwe rosler 28 said:
de niro said:
Davs 19 said:
Whatever the reason, Wigan were the team today. They did deserve it and that's not bollocks......You're better than that Bill.................

they nothing for themselves, every bit of success they had was handed to them.

pelli should hang his head in shame.

not sure I want to go to the game wed, I reckon he'll put silva in goal.

Come on bill were all upset but we've been through worse we could have Pearce or frank clark in charge I can't wait for Wednesday its what we've all wanted we'll continue this pellegrini debate over a few san miguels on Wednesday!

we will have the beers for certain but I'm not going to hope for anything out of the game.

I mean we are only playing barca cos he fucked up the group stage when it was there to be won.

For the life of me I cannot work out what has happened to Negredo , its like the Beast has gone and we have a pussycat in its place 5-6 weeks ago I was of the opinion that we had more or less satisfactory replaced Carlos and now it looks like we have inherited a Spanish Jo
aguerooooo said:
For the life of me I cannot work out what has happened to Negredo , its like the Beast has gone and we have a pussycat in its place 5-6 weeks ago I was of the opinion that we had more or less satisfactory replaced Carlos and now it looks like we have inherited a Spanish Jo

Haha look at ozil at arsenal not used to the physical demands of our league and the amojnt of games you are expected to play will take him a season to get use to it!
Kenny Clements Perm said:
plongo said:
Writing on the wall for me pre match

Parading the cup we won last week (cant even remember its name)
The Spanish lad having his picture with his newly born baby girl taken on the pitch approx. 30 seconds before kick off
Pellers in his hoodie

As far as I can see what was lacking was attention to detail
Clive Woodward remember him? The man who masterminded one of the greatest ever sporting triumphs in this country (and for the record I dislike Ra) wrote in his fantastic book about it - and it doesn't just apply to sport - he stressed the importance of what he refers to as "SNE's" Simple Non Essentials in other words things you don't have to do but make all the difference, details that put his team on the front foot and theirs on the back foot.

It's all about momentum at this time of the season and I think we've dropped the ball, simply through lack of attention to detail
If you don't agree with me then fine, but here's another one to consider;
We were behind today, and when the ball went out of play where were the ball boys / girls busting a gut to get the ball to the players wanting to get in back in to play asap? There were several occasions when, for one Clichy had to run off the pitch to retrieve the ball (his urgency was clear to see) but no effort was made to urgently get the ball back in play - hence momentum is lost - the emotional bubble is pricked, the opposition get 30 seconds to breathe in. I know it sounds trivial but with all the other great things we've got going on, this is a big gap

Incorrect use of semicolon: anything that sits in front of the punctuation mark must make a complete sentence, and the lexicon following the punctuation mark doesn't start with a capital letter.

Clive Woodward won the World Cup with the greatest players ever to play for their country; he couldn't of failed (notice the correct use of the semicolon).

We didn't lose this game because the ball boys weren't reacting quick enough, we lost it because we played awful for large parts of the contest

Your analysis makes no sense is boring, grammatically incorrect and a load of shit.

Correction: he couldn't have failed.
Correction: Your analysis makes no sense, is boring, grammatically incorrect, and a load of shit.
Kazzydeyna said:
Our manager better hope and prey that we win either the league or the champs league (both look unlikely if I'm honest) or else he is a gonner in the summer.

Taken a team that finished a clear second in the league and got to an fa cup final , spent circa £100million on it and has taken it backwards.

We look so fragile at the back it is embarrassing . And not just today, it's every week.
Also I noticed today the players looked frustrated and angry from the very start. With each other and the world in general. If what I'm hearing is correct there is the beginnings of squad bickering bubbling away under the surface.

It's all very well bullying shit teams in early season, it's this time of the season that things matter and we look woeful.

Disgraceful performance from our manager and HIS team.
Yes, not good, however you can't even sort out your mobile device to stop posting your messages multiple times. Thank fuck you don't have a say in the running of our club.
aguerooooo said:
Vincent spent the week telling all who would listen how it felt last season so its fair to say REVENGE was on the menu ,so what does Pellegrini do ? Drop/Rest our inspirational captain take out our midfield playmaker and leave out our best defensive midfielder YES Manuel , that will really send the fear of god in them
And send a message of complacency to the rest of the players

Really ridiculous decision.

What did we assemble this team at such great cost for. To play away against one of the strongest teams in Europe 2-0 down, but not to go for the throat against Championship opposition in an FA Cup Quarter-Final?

I've supported City for 40 years. I rarely criticise a manager or a player. Like every City fan I'm really disappointed but left angry with the manager for not giving it all we have got.
It's never nice losing, but for whatever reason the club have not prioritised this competition, we were poor first half much better in the second

Shit happens, we move on to Wednesday
CTID101 said:
It isn't Demichelis or the tactics or Pellegrini or the fucking weather.

It is about giving a fuck.

They didn't in the first half and started the second half the same, when they all wake up and think fuck me were losing here then we start to play and people give a shit.

Makes me sick.

Nasri and Clichy the only ones to come out with any credit from this match.
Spot on. This was nothing to do with tactics, players or fuck all else. It was about desire to win, which we failed to show before we scored our goal.
Deserved what we got today I'm afraid. Awful performance first half, and too little too late.

Thanks City, we won't be winning anything else this year so I can focus on getting my motorbike back on the road early.

Goodnight. God bless.

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