City Victory Parade - 2022/23

Can’t we get anything right the trophies are in the wrong order to the emblems on the bus - schoolboy city… sort it out

What a cracking pic !!!!
If I were one of the players I’d have fucked the Cameras on the Bus off as well —they have earned the right to Party among themselves without worrying about it ending up on You Tube etc
Agree it’s all a bit wooden, let them relax without having a microphone shoved in their mush.
Hastily arranged because of waiting for Saturday's result so no surprise it wasn't quite as smooth as previous ones. Weather didn't help. Presenters had to fumble for way too long and then deal with very drunk players and keeping things moving on schedule. Silly questions for Pep and some dangerous moments with the number of people in a small space, glad everyone is okay.

Next year they will plan it better and make a bigger route I am sure. Will be 7 trophies too.

I didn’t attend the stage area, but from what I’ve seen it’s looked a bit cringe. Much better atmosphere on deansgate and you didn’t have presenters ruining the singing either
Only City fans can moan after doing the treble :) Got pissed in the pub and pissed wet through at the parade , life’s a woman .
The rain was great. Cooled me down and added to the atmosphere. This was my favourite parade and I liked the chaos. Typical City and a very manc event.
I've finally realised I'm probably too old for this now. That's not a moan I'm so proud of every City fan that was there tonight, young and old and the team. It was wonderful to see and experience. A great atmosphere .A totally bizarre few hours. If anything summed up the British summertime weather it was today. Dripping in sweat on a packed tram going down and about two hours later absolutely drenched through in that biblical storm. By then I was trying to shelter under the trees in Chinatown to no avail. I expected a quick shower but that was utterly relentless. I was wringing out my T-shirt and it made no difference.

I managed to get a brief look at the team as they went past, they were absolutely buzzing off the atmosphere in spite of the torrential rain. By a bizzare twist of fate I took shelter next to the sons and families of my old mate who died last year, Billy Stewart. They were made up to see me, as I was them and they took some pictures to show their mum. It certainly added to the emotion of the occasion.

The actual event was a bit of a wash out, no pun intended. That was more to do with the forecast delay and the weather. With hindsight they would have been better off cracking on instead of delaying it 90 minutes. By doing that we all copped the worst of the weather. I got into the stage area but like a lot of others started to feel unsafe as loads more piled in behind me so left. As I got back to the gates about ten coppers were fighting back the crowds to get it shut, well done to them to manage it, it looked like Rourke's drift. With hindsight I think they'd have been better off doing the parade in town and having the event in the stadium but it's done now.

Again well done to all Blues there, what a club we are.

It was a fucking shambles mate. Dangerous lack of organisation and security. Left a very sour note at the end of an amazing season for me.
Thoughts and prayers for the poor girl that had a seizure near the front left, shortly before the arrival of the players on stage, staff were slow to react, until I lifted a barrier out and they came rushing towards it, before realising it was a medical emergency! a paramedic was quickly on the scene and eventually she was taken to a waiting ambulance.
Sounds like we were pretty close to you as we were right at the bottom of Market Street in between the Costa on one side and Nat West on the other. Was generally a really good atmosphere initially but after a while it was definitely getting tetchy waiting for the bus with people shoving through. As soon as it rounded the corner off Deansgate though people were shoving forwards and it was pretty squashed.

Yeah we were by the bollards on the Costa side.

Several absolute fucking dickheads barged their way though, including one bloke with his daughter on his shoulders and the poor kid was screaming in fear. Was horrifying.

I hope that **** reads this forum and if so you’re a fucking shite dad, your kid needs taking off you and you need filling in.

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