City Victory Parade - 2022/23

Hastily arranged because of waiting for Saturday's result so no surprise it wasn't quite as smooth as previous ones. Weather didn't help. Presenters had to fumble for way too long and then deal with very drunk players and keeping things moving on schedule. Silly questions for Pep and some dangerous moments with the number of people in a small space, glad everyone is okay.

Next year they will plan it better and make a bigger route I am sure. Will be 7 trophies too.
Jack's head tomorrow ...

Hastily arranged because of waiting for Saturday's result so no surprise it wasn't quite as smooth as previous ones. Weather didn't help. Presenters had to fumble for way too long and then deal with very drunk players and keeping things moving on schedule. Silly questions for Pep and some dangerous moments with the number of people in a small space, glad everyone is okay.

Next year they will plan it better and make a bigger route I am sure. Will be 7 trophies too.

Hastily arranged? It was a fucking shambles and I didn’t even get anywhere near the stage bit.

A fucking shit show and I’m never going to a City parade again, should we have one.
Enjoyed what bits I saw on the official feed. But amazed that 'technical issues' stopped any filming from the players bus. Surely it just needed some fcker with a phone?
If I were one of the players I’d have fucked the Cameras on the Bus off as well —they have earned the right to Party among themselves without worrying about it ending up on You Tube etc

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