City Victory Parade - 2022/23

We should have done that. Was at the back trying to get a glimpse of the stage with my lads and the other half but couldn't really see. Proceeded to get soaked to the skin and fucked off to Rain bar, couldn't have a more appropriate name after the amount that fell, and had a great night but missed the parade. Not bothered I will watch it on City TV later.
Yeah I mean tbf it was tough to judge what to do for the best, but we just decided early on not to bother with the stage & move around the route instead, and a coupe of pubs too.
I feel the exact same. I can’t stop thinking about this past week or the parade last night. My experience on deansgate is something I will never forget. I’ve never seen anything like that before - swathes of city fans all singing.

It was very emotional
Well put mate, you’ve expressed my thoughts exactly too. To see so many blues like that together in one place (with no supporters of any other club about), and under those circumstances … not exaggerating to say it really was one of the moments of my life.

(and I only had 4 lager shandies all night so I know it wasn’t the ale talking!)
Those of you who have seen my posts recently know about my mum...

But i want to say quickly I got to the parade, got my son out of school early and made sure mum ok and left her in good hands, and I took my son to his first parade. He was very excited, got what I thought would be great spot, quite near the start, front row, he planned to stand on his step stool (age 6) and wave his homemade trophy at the players. That was 4.20pm!

Then when it was too late to move 3 idiots thinking just of themselves stood next to us, stood on the barriers... He couldn't see now..

Skip forward to the rain.. His excitement lessened but still ok, but then when it got so dark and the strong thunder he was crying badly and saying when can we go home. My heart was broken. Other kids nearby were crying too by that point. I feel like such a failure of a mum.

Then the bus finally started, through his tears he waved his homemade foil trophy, those selfish selfish men next to us who could see quite well standing normally were not only stood on the barrier but leaning so far forward he saw nothing until the bus was right in front. And then in pot luck not a single player looked down and only good old Ruben was in view. I know that bits a gamble, but it's the selfish twats next to us that get me...
Then he cried and set off towards the car with his dad, and I failed again in the mum of the year comp by legging it after the bus.

I got to see it again in a bottleneck near booth street, absolutely drowned , and crushed, lots of families gave up and pushed back to get out. Then as the bus came 4 adults in front put 4 more adults in their shoulders much to the groans of everyone around. But, had a cracking view of erling and ruben topless saving trophies around, so I was happy. Really felt the moment.

Then as walking away ended up trapped in a crowd that suddenly got pushed sideways by the police, a ton of people being shoved into those of us already stood, and it was because the bus turned and was coming despite no street barriers. Crushed and leaning diagonal, but don't get me wrong I had a cracking view and lost myself into the feel of it and soaked thru to the skin chanted and pointed and just felt it. Happy. One of those moments where you forget your shit and are just caught in the moment.

It will be the last time I feel that pure joy for a long while.

As today my mum is worse, and is very likely to not make it to weekend. My world is gone.
BM cuddles all round incoming no doubt.

Really moving message this mate.
Kit gimp needs to stop making it about himself. Not a single person has stood in the rain for him.
That bald lad who always wants to be the centre of attention on every celebration / social media thing does my fucking head in.

Obviously cut from the same cloth as Chappy, he was annoying as fuck as well.
That bald lad who always wants to be the centre of attention on every celebration / social media thing does my fucking head in.

Obviously cut from the same cloth as Chappy, he was annoying as fuck as well.
But he doesn’t annoy the players and staff, thats what counts. If he annoys some blokes on the internet who gives a fuck.
Maybe Pike, maybe the PR team, but I don't think Pep, the club ot anyone else would care. I get what they thought with the context for the question, but it was badly timed.

Pep avoided answering, he either doesn't want it, or doesn't care. Either is good enough for me. Given their own views on Oasis ans City, I'd rather they never re-united.
Pep has Noel into play in the dressing room every time they win a big game and gave him a personal bollocking for missing the CL final!
You are the kit man or he is your best mate who got you tickets for Wembley and Istanbul. Any chance of a ticket for the Super cup v Seville mate?
No I just couldn’t care less about the kit man. If the players like having him around, which they seem to then alls good. Nothing else matters. Not what you ,me or anyone else on a football forum think about it.

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