City vs Barca - Post Match Thread

KunKun said:
Gutted. Ref and linesman was crap for both sides. Martin was actually doing well until then aswell but thats the problem at that level, mistakes get punished.

In my eyes he was the best player until then. And I ask myself how come that Messi can run without anybody near him onto Demichelis. Without anybody behind him either.
MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
Malty said:
Vinney laying the smackdown on ITV

"they was there for the taking, shown them too much respect, not the best team we played this season at all"

Bluemoon won't like this. But he's right... we didn't go at them, we fucking sat off and only after it all went tits up, we caused them problems.

the biggest let down for me was not even the red card, it was that we never bit into them and gave them a decent scare apart from a 5 minute patch in the 1st half. we defended brilliantly etc but we never scared them, not once.
Not good enough from City. Did we improve in CL, I am not sure. At least we didnt fail in group stages, but that can be down to simply having a very easy group with two very weak teams like CSKA and Plzen. (Thought CSKa would be tricky, but didnt even Plzen finish 3rd?)

Tactically this was a move I did not expect oday, Pellegrini was just saying the same, stay true to your style, not change, etc., he changed big, went very defensive, sitting deep, long ball tactics, the defensive part worked well, but our long balls were awful, its hardly a skill for Kompany, Demichelis we can build attacking play on.
Tho not conceding at home would have great even if it is a 0-0 result, and Demichelis cost us everything, you cant go down to 10 man vs Barca, that gave them some extra 10-15% posession and lot more space to attack, they scored a good goal that wasnt offside, and then Alves had 2 great chances, once he could score.

Demichelis a liability, he can play well for 45 minutes but than in a second he can implode and cost us everything. But its nothing new, his whole career was like that, wasnt it?
"they was there for the taking, shown them too much respect, not the best team we played this season at all"

Aye, now all you Messi fawners can fuck right off.
Proud of the team, I think the penalty is out of the area. And well, with 10 mens againts 11 is very difficult.
MSP said:
Demichelis had great game before red card.

Not only that but Vinny played Messi on leaving MDM not chance. He could let Messi go or bring him down outside the box. He brought him down outside the box but the ref gave the pen.
The only reason MDM could've been picked to start tonight would've been because he has CL experience. Ironic he made such a novice mistake then. Thought the boys played brilliant otherwise...could have easily been 1-1. Hope we have Kun for the next leg.
shemnel said:
I wish folk would just leave the 'outside box' shouts for the pen.

Fact of the matter is, Messi was pelting through and the ref is behind, it is hard to decipher with replays nevermind real time. Remember the decisions we've had go for us a few times this season? yeah, well footy has a funny way of balancing itself out over the course of 9 months, accept it - he scored the pen now move on and stop sounding like whingeing kids

Bullshit. That is what the liner is for. There were two line decisions he had to make - was Messi offside and was the foul in the area. He got the first right, and the second wrong.
It was a harsh lesson from a seasoned Barcelona team and though it wasn't a bad performance from us it wasn't quite good enough.

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