City vs Barca - Post Match Thread

Gelsons Dad said:
MSP said:
Demichelis had great game before red card.

Not only that but Vinny played Messi on leaving MDM not chance. He could let Messi go or bring him down outside the box. He brought him down outside the box but the ref gave the pen.
dctid said:
@BluePhil8 said:
For too long we have suffered because of the left side of our defence.

Demichellis - Shit. Should never play for us again. He seriously doesn't have two brain cells to rub together. He makes Balotelli look like a Mensa student. Thanks a lot you fucking ponytailed wanker, you have fucked every one at the club over tonight.

Lescott - Not shit, but slow and shit at passing.

Clichy - Hahaha fucking ha. If I ever have to read about how he is world class and Kolarov is shit on this forum again I will ejaculate in to my own mouth and smear shit in my eyes. Fucking shit. He is utter wank. Kolarov was ten times the player he was tonight. Why Pelle took Kolarov off is one of the great mysteries of our time.

Please please please buy Shaw and Mangala for £35,000,000 each in the summer.

On the bright side, we just out played Barcelona and they only won because that wank eating cum bucket of a referee gave a penalty instead of a free kick.

Looking forward to the media wanking their little cotton socks in to oblivion. They will be sat in our hospitality suit, eating our food and penning headlines like "Bigger than United? Don't make us laugh when our mouths are full of David Moyes' flacid shriveled cock!"

u a tad upset?

Agreed as I posted earlier we are desperate for a cb lb but I also think we need a gk
Honestly,the performance wasn't half bad.Kompany was once again fantastic,let Messi slip for just one instance....and then Demichelis came.To be fair,he wasn't playing his usual bad up until that moment.I'm not the one to blame the refs,but the refereeing with dodgy to say the least.A foul was not given to Navas and the demichelis tackle was outside of the box (although to be fair once again I am sure most-if not all- refs would not be able to see that one as it was very close) and every single challenge was a foul.Even when our players simply outmuscled Barca players the ref blew his whistle for a foul.I'm still pleased by the performance,players like Silva and Kompany were outstanding.Pellegrin did not get tactics all wrong as a few people might say.Two things he did wrong;One was play Demichelis,and the other was not starting Garcia.

To conclude,I think we could have gotten away with a draw,or at least with a 0-1 defeat,had we not fallen asleep in the final minutes.The performance was good,but dodgy refereeing and a few wrong desicions by Pellegrin cost us the match
Well nothing to lose in 2nd leg might as well have a right old go at them. Pleased Samir and Fred back, defence has been a weakness all season just shown up more by world class players. It would have been better for Messi to have scored and had 11 men on the pitch than a penalty and sending off. Seen enough of these mistakes over the years. What is important is the players don't let their heads drop, absolutely cruicify Stoke on Saturday win the COC and get through to the semi finals of FA cup. Treat this as a learning curve again!! come back next year stronger as we have this season.
Clichy is the least creative "top class" LB I've ever seen in my life.

Great pace - check.
Defensive awareness - check.
Crossing - god awfull
Anticipating player movement in the box - god awfull.

In essence, offensively he never does a single thing right...and his crossing..."can't hit the water if he fell off the boat"
Dizzie said:
I thought we were fantastic, had more and better chances overall then they did. Silva was the best player on the pitch. MDM actually played very well until he got sent off for a stupid challenge, lescott looked alot more uncertain with the fast movement of Barcelona. Hopefully Aguero will be starting against them next game!

wee davey in disguise

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