City vs chelsea pre match thread.

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Would anyone actually be surprised if we conceded 3 on Monday? I sure as hell wouldn't.

That being said, if we concede 3 we'll probably score 8.
ChelseaRep said:
A team that 'Parked the bus' Managed 46% possession? you're surely a bright spark mate. Anyway goodluck indeed. :-)

Yes, a team that parked the bus did manage to have less possession that the attacking team. I'm glad we agree.
TheThirdDeano said:
ChelseaRep said:
A team that 'Parked the bus' Managed 46% possession? you're surely a bright spark mate. Anyway goodluck indeed. :-)

Yes, a team that parked the bus did manage to have less possession that the attacking team. I'm glad we agree that Chelsea did park the bus,

at home
Blue Haze said:
Chelsea can afford a draw but a loss puts them 6 behind. Mou can't afford a loss so he'll park the bus.
Not sure about that

City can afford a draw. We'll be one point behind Arsenal having just played Spurs and Chelsea, whilst Chelsea will be 4 behind Arsenal and 3 behind City. I don't think Chelsea will be happy with a point. The draw at home to West Ham has changed matters.

Regarding the Chelsea fans pointing out that Chelsea attack at home, yes we know that. But the point is Mourinho took offence at West Ham parking the bus when Mourinho has regularly used that tactic. The man's mind games aren't very good.
Mourinho will be more than happy with a draw. But I doubt that he thinks they can keep it scoreless. They're not going to play an open game but they will try to score.
ChelseaRep said:
MihaiCity said:
ChelseaRep said:
City will get beaten if they play to Chelsea's strengths. City thrives on attack, and Chelsea relishes competition in which the opposition is much more open instead of resorting to a conservative approach, had torres been more clinical, city would've been down by 3-0 girls in the first match at the bridge.

what a pathetic clown you you fucking know the shit you split???????????? FFS someone ban this fucker... nbhahahahahahahhahahaha they will beat us if we play to their strengths you don't have somethjing like that you pathetic little clown GTFO and never return hide in your cave and stay there for the rest of your boring life
Looks like I struck a nerve there fella? calm down. You should only cuss in that manner after you're well beaten come Monday :-)

is sprouting childish shite on another club's football forum really part of your homework tonight?
ChelseaRep said:
andrewmswift said:
i'm still annoyed about hart's fuckup. without it we'd be at least 6 points ahead, and with a win on monday would effectively put them out of the title race
I believe that game was headed for a draw - meaning you would've been 4 points clear, where'd you squeeze the other 2 points from? desperation??

you thick twunt; we are 3 points clear; you won and we lost; had it been a draw, you would npw be 2 points worse off, and we would be 1 better off, that's a total swing of 3 points, meaning we would be 6 points clear. I told you before, do your homework instead of making a prick of yourself in here and you might be better at maths
Pumped up for this one.

Same 11 against the spurs, Jovetic to replace Aguero.
BringBackSwales said:
ChelseaRep said:
andrewmswift said:
i'm still annoyed about hart's fuckup. without it we'd be at least 6 points ahead, and with a win on monday would effectively put them out of the title race
I believe that game was headed for a draw - meaning you would've been 4 points clear, where'd you squeeze the other 2 points from? desperation??

you thick twunt; we are 3 points clear; you won and we lost; had it been a draw, you would npw be 2 points worse off, and we would be 1 better off, that's a total swing of 3 points, meaning we would be 6 points clear. I told you before, do your homework instead of making a prick of yourself in here and you might be better at maths
ChelseaRep said:
Burtonblue said:
mac said:
What a tool, Chelsea have conceded about 6 less and we have scored 25 more.ther is no way you chavs are going to put 3 past us.maureen will be shitting tijolos
Score 3 goals? Ridiculous.
It will be pretty difficult to put 3 past us with the 18th century football tactics your manager is going to employ. You will be lucky to get one squeaky undeserved against the run of play deflected own goal on monday night the way you will set up.
Cardiff put 3 passed you with Set-pieces. I fancy that to be the remnant of your downfall come Monday night. Set-pieces seem to paralyse Citeh defenders for some reason. And we're miles better than Citeh in set-pieces.
Dear mods
Fed up with this joker
I have no problem with opposition fans exchanging opinions on bluemoon as that is the purpose of a forum.
Can I however suggest that anybody posting "Citeh" or similarly demeaning terms when referring to us on this forum should be banned particularly when spouting the utter tripe being put forward by this guy. It's disrespectful and should not be tolerated.
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