City vs Real Madrid Post match Discussion Thread

Think we played really well tbh. We only conceded because Maicon was a bit lazy, of course Real Madrid had some chances, they are Real Madrid after all.

We were all over them in the second half. Hopefully we can turn Dortmund over now and look forward to an easier group next season.
SamTheGuru said:
To reflect. That was arguably, the second best team in the world. Had luck been on our side, and if we didn't have that stupid defensive slip up, that game would have been easy takings. Bring on Chelsea....

.......and looking forward to a trip to Amsterdam.
de niro said:
MCFCboi said:
Anyone else notice the increase of tourists with cameras tonight? Got a headache (with all the flashes) when looking towards the family stand for corners etc.

loads in 212.

Couple of Madrid fans next to us I think. They didn't make a sound for the entire match. Just took pictures all night.
de niro said:
adrianr said:
Saw enough tonight to tell me we have one hell of a fucking team, with an immense amount of spirit. And enough to know that as long as we keep progressing I couldnt give two shits about going out of the CL. Just hopr all the lads are ok for Chelsea at the weekend, 'cos if it wasnt before, its certainly all about the league now.

cracking post and bang on the money.
We've played Real Madrid twice now, and we are going to finish bottom of the group, but that's more through stupid mistakes.

I don't know why we keep making mistakes at this level. Do the players feel uncertain? I don't know what it is, but there were lots of positives there tonight. We're not inferior to Real Madrid and if we didn't know that before, we should know that now. We had them on the ropes for long periods in that 2nd half, and the only way they could handle it was by conning the ref and breaking up the play
Mancio said:
nastasic is going to be world class in a very short time


Seems to be flying under the media radar, in terms of getting very few mentions or rave reviews. Probably for the best. Over hyping can be very dangerous.
I have to say Souness was bang on the money with his comments on Champions League Goals.

Anyway onwards and upwards lads.
AlthamBlue said:
de niro said:
MCFCboi said:
Anyone else notice the increase of tourists with cameras tonight? Got a headache (with all the flashes) when looking towards the family stand for corners etc.

loads in 212.

Couple of Madrid fans next to us I think. They didn't make a sound for the entire match. Just took pictures all night.
Atmosphere was rubbish but we knew we were going out anyway

Think if the game meant anything we would have started a lot stronger and gone on to win it
I think people need to remember that we are babies in this competition. Me and the Mrs are sat here arguing that very point, shes a rag btw.
Mancinis record makes me question if we can or cant do anything at this level, but I,ll give him the benefit of the doubt for now because of the inexperience we have in the champions league. It will come.

Few things from tonight, I thought over 90 mins we were better than Madrid, just. That makes me proud. I also think we have seen tonight why bobby doesnt start Dzeko, for the first 45 mins he offered nothing. His first touch, his general awareness and his lack of movement has proved mancinis point. He looks clumsy. He was better in the second half but I,ll stand by my opinion, Carlos should have started. Edins only defence is we dont play with any width, and his biggest asset is in the air. We dont put balls in the box, and if you put him in a decent german side, im sure he would do well. He likes the eastern european way of playing, he did well with it and thats why we signed him, but we are not eastern european and imo it was a bad signing.

Also, David silva in that second half was fucking epic. An utterly quality pro/player and Im sure, this summer that Madrid barca will be sniffing. His touch, his movement, his strength for a little man, unreal. Most of all, his vision to pick a pass, hes back. Best midfielder on the park and that includes ronaldo.
Marvin said:
de niro said:
adrianr said:
Saw enough tonight to tell me we have one hell of a fucking team, with an immense amount of spirit. And enough to know that as long as we keep progressing I couldnt give two shits about going out of the CL. Just hopr all the lads are ok for Chelsea at the weekend, 'cos if it wasnt before, its certainly all about the league now.

cracking post and bang on the money.
We've played Real Madrid twice now, and we are going to finish bottom of the group, but that's more through stupid mistakes.

I don't know why we keep making mistakes at this level. Do the players feel uncertain? I don't know what it is, but there were lots of positives there tonight. We're not inferior to Real Madrid and if we didn't know that before, we should know that now. We had them on the ropes for long periods in that 2nd half, and the only way they could handle it was by conning the ref and breaking up the play

Also worth noting that in both games against Madrid no one can say Roberto got "out-managed", and his opponent is often the man the doom-and-gloomers want to see take over!

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