City vs Real Madrid Post match Discussion Thread

It took Piss Can 5 seasons, and the CL wasn't as good as it is now.
Thought we were fantastic in the second half

Silva had his best game for us in ages. Hopefully this is more to come

Also thought Nasri did a good job in the Barry role in the first half

There is no shame in going out in a group containing Dortmund, Madrid and Ajax.

Lets forget about this and concentrate on Chelsea. Let the rags and the media laugh and take the piss. Deep down they know not one of the other english teams would have done any better

Also they keep pointing out Mancini's record in Europe. Bacon face has won 2 champion leagues in 20 odd years at the shite. So lets have this discussion in 20 years
Goo said:
Marvin said:
de niro said:
cracking post and bang on the money.
We've played Real Madrid twice now, and we are going to finish bottom of the group, but that's more through stupid mistakes.

I don't know why we keep making mistakes at this level. Do the players feel uncertain? I don't know what it is, but there were lots of positives there tonight. We're not inferior to Real Madrid and if we didn't know that before, we should know that now. We had them on the ropes for long periods in that 2nd half, and the only way they could handle it was by conning the ref and breaking up the play

Also worth noting that in both games against Madrid no one can say Roberto got "out-managed", and his opponent is often the man the doom-and-gloomers want to see take over!

One manager got 4 points the other got 1 , 1 managers team is going through the others isn't, so I don't know what your point is?
taconinja said:
Mancio said:
nastasic is going to be world class in a very short time
I think you could be right.
I've had him in the corner of my eye for around twelve months now.

I can say confidently that, by the time the 40 year anniversary of the Premier League rolls around, Matija will be up there with Vidic, Terry, Adams and (of course) Kompany as one of the greatest centre-backs to grace the Premier League.
We played well. Against one of the top four sides in the world. Having played two of the other top four sides and not playing well, playing well against another was really encouraging. I'm not saying we've arrived on the European stage or owt yet but we should take a lot of confidence from tonight and hopefully grow and possibly help us to truly arrive on the European stage in the near future.

I didn't think Madrid were as good as Dortmund, Dortmund are the best side I've ever seen at the Etihad, they were special. Madrid are clearly top class and their closing down in the first half was almost as good as Dortmund's but I didn't think they were as good as Dortmund were and having watched back the two Madrid v Dortmund games I thought Dortmund were the better side at the Westfallen and Bernebeau.

I can see why Roberto played five at the back from the start as I think he wanted Maicon and Zaba to double up on CRonaldo but Benzema was finding space left rift and centre as Kompany and Nastasić didn't know where to follow him. Roberto changed it and we were better. Then in the second half we stuck it to them and played very well.

Still missing easy chances though!

I loved the "fuck off Mourinho" into the "Mancini wooaaoohh" class!
Mounrinho is an absolute wanker whose teams play anti football: constantly moaning, fall over at every opportunity, foul foul foul, feign injury as much as possible, claim for everything off the ref, waste time, moan some more...sometimes they throw in things like volleying people in the head or sticking fingers if the eye of opposition coaches...the guy is an absolute **** who I never want anywhere near my club EVER!).

Overall a pleasing night. We now need to build from there for next season.
tommo74 said:
Goo said:
Marvin said:
We've played Real Madrid twice now, and we are going to finish bottom of the group, but that's more through stupid mistakes.

I don't know why we keep making mistakes at this level. Do the players feel uncertain? I don't know what it is, but there were lots of positives there tonight. We're not inferior to Real Madrid and if we didn't know that before, we should know that now. We had them on the ropes for long periods in that 2nd half, and the only way they could handle it was by conning the ref and breaking up the play

Also worth noting that in both games against Madrid no one can say Roberto got "out-managed", and his opponent is often the man the doom-and-gloomers want to see take over!

One manager got 4 points the other got 1 , 1 managers team is going through the others isn't, so I don't know what your point is?

That the difference between the two teams was very slight over the two games. They only just beat us on their own soil, and we made them look like push overs in the second half today. Just a shame we didn't get the goals.

As for going through or not, is totally different to the point I'm making, now run along, you've probably got school in the morning...
jrb said:
It took Piss Can 5 seasons, and the CL wasn't as good as it is now.
Is it good?

I have seen one good team in our Group: Dortmund. We should have beaten the others, certainly at home

Annoying that we haven't been good enough

Players haven't been up for it, and neither have the fans. Next season, if we qualify we have to be right at it from the very first minute and approach each game like a Derby.

Mentally we show our strength regularly in the Premiership. I think the problem is on our heads.
Over the 5 games played that was probably out best performance notwithstanding the first 15-minutes. However the table don't lie! 3-points out of 15 possible is not form to boast about and we need to learn some lessons from this year, take the knocks on the chin and move onwards and upwards.
Vincents Tackle said:
amooballer said:
moomba said:
Hart mistake?

Shoulda come for the cross. It was in the 6 and he let it reach benzema. Yes maicon shoulda covered but that area is the keepers all day long or should be.

It's pretty much down to Hart that we still had something to play for tonight (Dortmand at home) and I would say that Maicon was more at fault for tonight's goal

All in all I think we regained a little pride back tonight with the spirit the team showed, certainly showed with the way the fans got behind them
Hart stopped two 6 or 7 goal hammerings away at Madrid and at home to Dortmund. Multi player fault goal conceded tonight: Kolarov not stopping the cross, back four not communicating, Maicon standing still doing fuck all, Hart not coming for the cross. Hart is not to blame!

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