City Vs Stoke Pre match Discussion Thread

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tomboscfc said:
mammutly said:
A good performance from the ref is vital in this game.

If we get that and the game is played fairly, we will win. The attitude has changed now, just like it did last year after Arsenal. Now we are not looking at image or tables, or who else is doing what where.

Play our own game - one match at a time. Everybody working hard.

Speaking as a Stoke fan, I couldn't agree more - let's hope for a strong ref eh? One who doesn't put up with all that falling down for no reason, rolling around feigning injury, constant moaning and whinging about every decision no matter how ridiculous those moans and whinges so obviously are. You know, all that stuff your lot do every game.

If we get that, and the game is played fairly, and you beat us on a level playing field, then fair enough. TBH, you should beat us - but you never know.......:)

Obviously never seen Zabba play then, but why let the truth get in the way of a cliche
tomboscfc said:
Blumers Bloomers said:
tomboscfc said:
Speaking as a Stoke fan, I couldn't agree more - let's hope for a strong ref eh? One who doesn't put up with all that falling down for no reason, rolling around feigning injury, constant moaning and whinging about every decision no matter how ridiculous those moans and whinges so obviously are. You know, all that stuff your lot do every game.

If we get that, and the game is played fairly, and you beat us on a level playing field, then fair enough. TBH, you should beat us - but you never know.......:)

Lord. Above.

The moans and whinges when Crouchinio played basketball in the lead up to the goal earlier this season were obviously not justified.

Nor the moans when Balotelli was elbowed in the face by Wilkinson. Completely unfair eh?

ha ha yes indeed. I could get into the tit-for-tat naming of examples (but we all secretly know I'd win that one don't we?).
I won't though, because I thought this was the lazy cliche thread, so I thought I'd just join in the fun ;)
Again, to be fair, every team looks soft next to the thugs of Stoke
de niro said:
they are a pub team, a bunch of kickers and thugs. we will need that strong ref alright.

Disagree , they play decent football at times, there main threats come down the wings in Pennant and Ethrington both good attacking players who run at people, two solid centre mids and two big strikers - I think Pulis has done a good job there, they score a lot of goals , good goals as well

Calling them a bunch of thugs and a pub team shows a lack of understanding of the game
Just when your starting to warm to the stoke fans,staying to applaud after the cup final and that shafter who seems like a good lad. Along comes this muppet,and then you remember Tony Pulis, dear oh dear.
Must dominate possession or they will just send ball after ball into the box where it's a bit of a disaster area at the moment. Crouch will have his arms all over the place, I hope Nasty is ready, he did well against Carroll at West Ham. I think we'll win but in a boring grind unlike the piss-take a year ago when we barely broke a sweat.
pudge said:
Sorry if it's already been answered but because we're appealing Nasri's red, does that mean he's available for this game?

Yes, this will make him available.
Stokie in peace here guys!

Always liked you lot ( Well most of yer! lol) Real club, and was glad you won the league last year, the celebration at the Brit when you scored that last minute winner was fookin amazing!

Anyways, just wanted to put my point of view about the game this week. I think you could be a bit surprised with our approach, we, I hope, will approach the game like we did against your near neighbours, when we went at them hard and aggresive from the off, and should have been two up. Alternatively, we could let you come at us like we did with Spurs, when we held them off petty comfortably, and could have grabbed a win on the break, so we are developing options in how we can approach games.

On paper, of course you guys should turn us over, but we all know that isn't always the case in practice. Last year I thought you had the best midfielder in the division (Toure) and defender (Company) but in the limited times I've seen you this season, then I think both have dropped off slightly, which could be the difference for you this season?

Not sure how much you may have seen on us this season, but we are changing, we have a gem in Nzonzi, this guy is destined for great things, and we'll struggle to hold on to him, we have a back four that is second to none, that said, they were all shite against Southampton, so TP will be working with them this week. We are still very "committed" and we should never lose this, the teams that moan about us, are invariably the teams we've turned over, so I, like many Stokies, love this! :)

Anyway, after this weeks game, unless we draw you in the cup, good luck for the rest of the season, and I'll wildly predict a boring 0-0 for the game! ;)
Think the inbreds will come and park 2 buses. They will play their usual ooff it and hope for the best tactics. Just hope for no injuries against these thugs. We will need height against the constant mortar bombs.

3-1 City...
troadie said:
tomboscfc said:
mammutly said:
A good performance from the ref is vital in this game.

If we get that and the game is played fairly, we will win. The attitude has changed now, just like it did last year after Arsenal. Now we are not looking at image or tables, or who else is doing what where.

Play our own game - one match at a time. Everybody working hard.

Speaking as a Stoke fan, I couldn't agree more - let's hope for a strong ref eh? One who doesn't put up with all that falling down for no reason, rolling around feigning injury, constant moaning and whinging about every decision no matter how ridiculous those moans and whinges so obviously are. You know, all that stuff your lot do every game.

If we get that, and the game is played fairly, and you beat us on a level playing field, then fair enough. TBH, you should beat us - but you never know.......:)

Obviously never seen Zabba play then, but why let the truth get in the way of a cliche

EXACTLY, why indeed, as I tried to hint in my earlier post? But I thought that was the whole point of this thread, to spout cliches? Or do you actually believe all that pub-team-thug nonsense peddled by lazy journos and lapped up by the prawn sandwich brigade whose football "knowledge" is entirely gleaned from MotD highlights and selected youtube clips?
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