Spot on. Christ, Some of the small time,classless Neanderthal, misogyny..staggeringly embarrassing.Scottyboi said:She didn't damage the club in anyway, however our "fans" reactions have. Made us look like spoilt kid's who can't handle getting beat.
flyer said:
Scottyboi said:flyer said:A mistake is too small a word for it. He's the Manchester United manager ffs
My contract at work says I cannot join a rival company for 12 months. Is there nothing in there contract saying they shouldn't be juicing over the manager of our biggest rival?
Their wages come out of my pocket. Just f**k them both off please, now
Sad you really are, I would be ashamed if I was you.
bluegoal said:
de niro said:i dont give a fuck about the picture, i dont regonise them as city players anyway, just bored women thinking they can play. if they were playing in our back garden i'd shut the curtains.
Eccles Blue said:I had my say, without any histrionics, in the thread that got pulled but I would just like to ask why all the vitriol is being pointed at one player? There were 2 City players in that photograph so why is only one getting castigated?
It shouldn't have happened because, in my opinion, it showed a lack of respect for our club, but basically it was down to bad timing. Another weekend we might all have laughed but not yesterday. However my main question still remains: why only one player's loyalty being questioned?