Classic Album Overrated/Underrated Discussion

Listen without Prejudice rarely gets a mention but for me it showcased George Michael's songwriting and vocal ability better than anything else he did. Wonderful album. If I had to choose ten albums to listen to for the rest of time, two would be Kate Bush albums, the Hounds of Love and Ariel. Neither usually make it to within top 100 album lists despite them containing some of the most beautiful music that never ages.
ok computer, i'm in a minority but just don't get it

Usually gets my vote as the most overrated album ever. I've owned the album since it was released and like it but still...

I think quite a few of the top 10 in that list are overrated. Nevermind is a fine album but third best of all time, I don't think so.

How Patti Smith features in the top ten! And Television's Marquee Moon is decent but so overrated.

As far as that list goes, the most notable underrated albums for me are Dark Side of the Moon and Zep IV, which should be scrapping for top spot, in my opinion, even though neither is my favourite album by either band.
Tin Machine- Tin Machine. For some reason it got a critical mauling, but I love it

Did it? I seem to recall it got very good reviews at the time. Maybe not now looking back, for opinions change, but I'm pretty sure back then it was well received.
I’m the biggest Stones fan there is so for me 68-72 which is Beggars Banquet to Exile is the best run of albums going.

I think Led Zep I to Presence beats it as a run and I have a serious bias to the Van Halen albums with Dave Lee Roth but that run of Stones albums is immense. Bowie and Springsteen also put together a couple of great runs.
Agree with your Stones quote.
I find It's only rock and roll an underrated album.
On the Beatles front Pepper is the most overrated album of all time.
Listen to Roger Waters views on Pepper (above) Ive heard reams of musicians say the same thing, to listen to the big boys praise the album to death and then say its the most overrated album of all time is a bit silly in my view, even if you dont personally like it.
Listen to Roger Waters views on Pepper (above) Ive heard reams of musicians say the same thing, to listen to the big boys praise the album to death and then say its the most overrated album of all time is a bit silly in my view, even if you dont personally like it.

It's hugely influential but there's some right cack on there and it has not aged well.

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