Classic Rock (Phil Collins lives, run for the hills)

Jon Anderson and the Band Geeks -True
Anderson and the Band Geeks emerge from touring the Yes classics with their new album “True”.

Arguably Jon’s first foray into the world of progressive rock since his collaboration with Roine Stolt on “Invention of knowledge”.

It is asking a lot of any erstwhile fan of Yes to listen to this offering without reminiscing the halcyon days of Yes or indeed the current iteration of the band.

The album kicks off in grand style with “True Messenger” which immediately showcases the prowess of the Band Geeks. A solid opener reminiscent of the ABWH/Union era.

“Shine On” is a commercial four minute track interspersed with some prog wiggle. Jon funks the track up with a style etched from The Ladder.

“Counties and Countries” is a 10 minute track which in some ways takes me back to those aforementioned halcyon days. Great instrumentation and memorable chorus.

“Build me an Ocean” is Jon in a reflective calm mood. Unfortunately his phrasing and voice sounds more like The Living Tree.

Jon and the BGs bounce back with “Still a friend” Yet again Jon is backed by some Tormato style syncopation and energy and this track would sit comfortably on that album.

“Make it right” commences with some neat Spanish guitar work and evolves into a decent melodic ballad better than Ocean.

“Realisation part two”flows straight from the previous track. Dominated by Jon’s vocals and tinged with ethnic sounds.

“Once upon a Dream” shades of 90125 here at the start of the albums epic length track. Again so hard to distinguish this from old Yes. It does Meander a bit in places without a destination but then also has shades of “Awaken” with great musicianship.

“Thank God”. A love song to Jayneee. Fairly bland ending to be honest - think of Abilene.

In closing I am left still ruefully aware that Jon will forever be a lot more than 1/5th of the band I used to adore so much. This album “shines on “ far greater than the Yes official iteration especially in the first half.
Thanks for posting that. I must admit with Awaken my favourite track and 90125 my favourite album I had no choice but to pop Once Upon A Dream on.

You’re so right, I can hear shades of that strident eurphoric chiming section of Awaken on there (as well as a few lyrical references to Yes of yesteryear I think). You’re also right about the odd meandering moment, but considering his vintage we really have no right to expect such high quality output from him do we. It really is a marvel.

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