Climate Change is here and man made

No we are way behind , China , India the USA , India , Indonesia and just ahead of Russia but our quality is much better and far more efficient in generating the needs of electricity generation that some of these countries need.


Australia is number 1 by some distance.

But yeah don't mind me I'm just "making stuff up". Whereas a 5 second Google search invalidated you almost immediately.
All of them.

I.e. The Great Barrier Reef being in the best condition it's been in for 30 years which is just absolute bullshit of the highest order. Really from top drawer.
Have you spent anytime in the UQ where they do all the work on the health of the reef.

You are deluded my friend.

When you are allowed to visit Oz again take your family to QLD and check it out.

its in much better shape when the COT got stuck into it a number of years ago but of course you were not around then.

Again I like your passion but you speak with fork tongue.

I could produce actual markers done by experts on the reef but I think you mind is made up based on some internet extracted report from 2016 with a UN agenda.

tell me why it it is not on the endangered list.

Have you heard of the helmeted honey eater now that is on the endangered list and I look forward to your donations to help the many selfless volunteers that keep it from extinction.

Go on do something positive BAZZ and find out where you can help and you feel much better about yourself and Glasgow.
Seeing as you speak for him I will ask you , what mess are win in?

Extreme weather events have occurred for millions of years or have you been asleep for all time including your many past lives.

Why even argue it sounds like every comment you have a different view on merits an " argument".

i was just asking him to elaborate which he is not doing , he gets things wrong many times our Bazz on this subject like the condition of the TGBR and China's economy to mention just two.

Name me on story I have created on climate change?
He's sent you about 5 articles that explain the points you're making are nonsense. You're wrong. Stop denying the situation we're in.

In the last few years, we've seen an increase in both the intensity and frequency of: wildfires, flooding, droughts, famine. The sea levels are continuing to rise. Eco-systems are being obliterated at the fastest rate in history (de-forestation, ice sheets etc). Our oceans are being over-fished to the point that where it's likely we're no longer have fish in the ocean within 100 years. The use of pesticides and fertilisers in farming worldwide is likely to lead to mass crop failure within the next 100 years.

You said in one of your posts that you don't like legislation that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. Well, who do you think suffers the most from climate change? It isn't Jeff Bezos and his rocket ship, that's for certain!

You continue doing you. Deny, deny and deny some more. Pretend there's nothing happening. You live in a first world country and won't suffer the worst consequences of climate change. But don't try and preach your fake news to others like it's fact. You're nothing more than a wind up merchant with a keyboard.

Australia is number 1 by some distance.

But yeah don't mind me I'm just "making stuff up". Whereas a 5 second Google search invalidated you almost immediately.
I was talking about coal production of course we export more because we have the best and I wish we used more on our generation until we convert to nuclear overtime.

No need to apologise Bazz.

Never said you make it up you just leap before you look.
Have you spent anytime in the UQ where they do all the work on the health of the reef.

You are deluded my friend.

When you are allowed to visit Oz again take your family to QLD and check it out.

its in much better shape when the COT got stuck into it a number of years ago but of course you were not around then.

Again I like your passion but you speak with fork tongue.

I could produce actual markers done by experts on the reef but I think you mind is made up based on some internet extracted report from 2016 with a UN agenda.

tell me why it it is not on the endangered list.

Have you heard of the helmeted honey eater now that is on the endangered list and I look forward to your donations to help the many selfless volunteers that keep it from extinction.

Go on do something positive BAZZ and find out where you can help and you feel much better about yourself and Glasgow.
And yet experts from around the world and divers who have been visiting it since the 70s tell an incredibly different story?

Honestly mate, I wouldn't die on the hill for anything the UQ or the Australian government says about the reef. It's a tourist destination and when the UN put it on the endangered list, it's about the most flapping I've heard come out of Australia in the best part of a decade on the reef. Why? Because there's money on the line FFS....

So we buttered the UN up and did we could to get it off there.

You really need to just snap k to reality a bit old fella.
I was talking about coal production of course we export more because we have the best and I wish we used more on our generation until we convert to nuclear overtime.

No need to apologise Bazz.

Never said you make it up you just leap before you look.

You replied to a post which states "is Australia the top selling and producing country in the world".

Of which you said no it's not - but at no point did you clarify.

Being proud of exporting coal at this point in time and "best coal", sounds like Donald trump behind that keyboard to be honest.... Fuck me dead.
Are there two Indias?

You aren't way behind the USA.

Sorry fode I will edit that I forgot about the US ORIGINALLY because I was doing it by memory.

By behind I meant way behind China so again apologies but we are not first in production which we could be in time as we have plenty of reserves over 2,000 years at current levels I believe but you can correct me on that.
You know nothing about my lifestyle. I haven't eaten animal products for over 5 years either, but I just don't feel the need to tell everyone on a forum to make myself feel superior about how I'm saving the planet, when in reality it's not.

Just becuase your family don't eat meat it isn't going to make any difference to the environment whatsoever, it's just an opportunity for you to show how pious that you are so that you can preach at other people. How you get real effective change is through innovation but that takes hard work and effort, I work for a company that does this. It's easier to just post on the internet though, which incidentally is wasting precious electricity and killing the planet, just so that you can maintain your precious lifestyle.

This isn't a conversation about who does most, it's about acknowledging that everyone needs to help a little. Your posts will only encourage people to leave it for others and not help drive the change in behaviour required.

I've read up on some of the innovation coming soon, so called 'eco-innovation'.. of course the future is here, however pressing that nothing else is of consequence is just blind stupidity.
He's sent you about 5 articles that explain the points you're making are nonsense. You're wrong. Stop denying the situation we're in.

In the last few years, we've seen an increase in both the intensity and frequency of: wildfires, flooding, droughts, famine. The sea levels are continuing to rise. Eco-systems are being obliterated at the fastest rate in history (de-forestation, ice sheets etc). Our oceans are being over-fished to the point that where it's likely we're no longer have fish in the ocean within 100 years. The use of pesticides and fertilisers in farming worldwide is likely to lead to mass crop failure within the next 100 years.

You said in one of your posts that you don't like legislation that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. Well, who do you think suffers the most from climate change? It isn't Jeff Bezos and his rocket ship, that's for certain!

You continue doing you. Deny, deny and deny some more. Pretend there's nothing happening. You live in a first world country and won't suffer the worst consequences of climate change. But don't try and preach your fake news to others like it's fact. You're nothing more than a wind up merchant with a keyboard.
I don't deny the science I stopped using CFC's before you were born , I did a major assignment on it in the late seventies when it was unfashionable to do so.

At least we agree on one thing about the distribution of wealth to a point I think , I don't pretend nothing is happening and you fail to realise this point.

I do my bit to reduce my footprint and am proud to do so I hope you do likewise its all as citizens we can do.

You continue doing you?

In Australia we have much to lose by converting our Co2 emissions to net zero by 2050 than most counties do for reasons I have outlined.

if you are in Pom land you have much less to lose by achieving the same.

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