Club Badge (merged)

When Sheik Mansour was watching the film last Friday night he got off his couch and scratched his backside. A few grand fell out of his back pocket and that paid the fees.
People aren't successful in business by throwing away money whether its a few hundred quid or few thousand regardless how wealthy
After taking it in for a bit I think I really would have loved it if not for the inclusion of the rose, it's just so glaring and it blocks the rivers. I actually like that the shield breaks the circle, I like its simplicity, and I can even live with its cartoony style and the 'City' part not bending. It's just that damn rose that ruins it.

This is where I'm at.

Although, MANCHESTER CITY at the top and FOOTBALL CLUB at the bottom would have lessened some of the complaints.

I guess as long as it's on a sky blue shirt my life will go on though.

I am loathed to say it but I went over to the darkside of sad cafe to see if they are taking the piss and they are all praising it as stylish urrgh! anyway someone had mocked this up and I feel dirty even posting something fruom there but
Nope, I'm pretty sure they are very strict on trademarking. No refunds on fee even if trademark isn't accepted.

I know v little about this kind of thing but id have thought its registered as it is and if you want to tweak it you'd register your amended version independently. Would be unusual to have a legal process that then leaves the door open to further limitless alterations.

Ta guys.

I am loathed to say it but I went over to the darkside of sad cafe to see if they are taking the piss and they are all praising it as stylish urrgh! anyway someone had mocked this up and I feel dirty even posting something fruom there but
That looks miles better - I could live with 1894 with that. I've just come across their thread on google images searching the badge and found this too:
Ours leaked one looks the best I reckon - anyone not agree?
I thought the badge is to be revealed on Boxing day. So at the very least I would wait until that day to make judgement. The internet is a funny place.

I am loathed to say it but I went over to the darkside of sad cafe to see if they are taking the piss and they are all praising it as stylish urrgh! anyway someone had mocked this up and I feel dirty even posting something fruom there but
See it looks miles better and more even with football club
We didn't have the word football club on the badge. We simply had m.c.f.c which was even worse.

Dont get this whole "they've just done what they wanted" argument. What they probably wanted was something that was deemed marketable and upset as few people as possible. That aside, I doubt they gave a flying shit about how it looked, let alone had their own ideas they were desperate to force on us.

There was a consultation process but it still doesn't seem enough for some people. Seems like people wanted three rounds of voting or something which wouldve been ridiculous.

With you all the way. It's one of those situations where the club have bothered to think of the fans. For the next idea it might be a case of "why bother?"

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