Club Badge (merged)


I am loathed to say it but I went over to the darkside of sad cafe to see if they are taking the piss and they are all praising it as stylish urrgh! anyway someone had mocked this up and I feel dirty even posting something fruom there but
Defo looks more balanced with football club but I still don't like it
Seems like people wanted three rounds of voting or something which wouldve been ridiculous.
Some would have wanted 30 rounds of voting, and would still moan.

I'm not 100% happy with it, but its better than the current badge, and its not a Swales badge thank f*ck, its OK, it could have been better, it could have been worse, some of gavs were better.

I've no idea why the red rose gets so much opposition, the rivers and ship are great, nearly everyone wanted a round badge, and a shield, 1894 seemed popular. I wanted to keep "Football Club", and I think the shield should be within the circle. It looks far better on our kits background than a white one, and the mono coloured one looks great.

Perfect its not, but its better than what we have, and it relates to our past badges, and our Manchester heritage (which was part of Lancashire until the government intervened, and in cricket, Lancashire's home is still in Manchester (well Trafford)).
Even though I'm not that arsed, it does look better with the football club added.

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