Club Badge (merged)

could just be a case of dis-associating FC, Football Club and especially MCFC from City, having created Melbourne City and in effect making them MCFC (think this is the catalyst for changing the badge eventually), to rebrand us just as Manchester City.

think having nothing that says its a football badge is a flaw, even having a football in place of the rose is a better option in imo. In 38 years iof life and 30 years supporting City, i've never associated them in Lancashire, even though it was part of the old crest, its something never bothered with.

so personally, i'll be mentally seeing a maroon football instead...


I think it's more to do with pushing the City brand. Cook spoke about that when presenting to ADUG and the whole worldwide business is built around 'City'. It therefore makes sense to have it as a prominent word and I think it's only us long standing football fans who think FC is important. I wish FC was there, but if it needs to go to allow us to secure the business model in China, Australia, US, Mars, then so be it. I think the owner probably has enough credit to allow him to change one small thing without us going Bolshie.
I'm slowly warming to it. I still think it could've been better with a few minor alterations, but still a big improvement on the current monstrosity.

Can only assume anyone taking exception to it having red on it didn't follow us before 1997, as it featured on the badges prior to that. Seems ludicrous that anyone would have a problem with the red rose of Lancashire being, um, red.

Unless, of course, you don't agree with the rose being on there as we're no longer part of Lancashire, which is a perfectly valid argument. Taking exception to the colour alone is a bit petty though.
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I'm slowly warming to it. I still think it could've been better with a few minor alterations, but still a big improvement on the current monstrosity.

Can only assume anyone taking exception to it having red on it didn't follow us before 1997, as it featured on the badges prior to that. Seems ludicrous that anyone would have a problem with the red rose of Lancashire being, um, red.

Unless, of course, you don't agree with the rose being on there as we're no longer part of Lancashire, which is a perfectly valid argument. Taking exception to the colour alone is a bit petty though.

I didn't think I'd say this, but it's growing on me too
I think 2 or 3 variations on the final design that season ticket holders and Cityzens could have picked may have been a better idea instead of saying that's it, like it or not.

I think the new badge has some good and bad points. Overall it looks good, but could have been better in my opinion.
just how they decided to do the monochrome, they could have done it the other way ...


Have to say in full colour I don't mind the rose. It pops out and gives the badge a bit of depth and contrast.

In monochrome though, the bottom of the badge looks really cluttered and fussy. The designs above with no rose look tons better.
When people says things like we are a 'brand' it is a glib, soundbite that they have probably heard elsewhere so feel they can quote the meaningless words also without any real knowledge or understanding of exactly what a 'brand' is.

If City is now a 'brand' then please explain the following:

What is the core product or service of the 'brand'?
What does the 'brand' actually represent or articulate?
How is the removal of the words 'Football Club' relevant to the brand hierarchy?
They're all backwards looking questions, and therefore largely irrelevant given brands can move and grow beyond their initial core product, and often try to portray something more, something bigger - let's say, a hotel chain, an entertainment complex, or a chain of global academies. "Football Club" is also singular, when the club is no doubt trying to promote a group of clubs in the future with some cheesy together motto.

I don't really think the football club debate needs to be this detailed.
Ace apart from I'd've gone for a bendy 'City'. Billion times better than the current one but not sure how much nostalgia's involved.

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