Come on City fans - sort the atmosphere out

Does everybody who is moaning in various parts of the ground make the effort to sign/chant where ever they are all game and every game?
Loads of people around me last night that don't normally sit there, I reckon that was the case everywhere so probably the reason the the unusually crap atmosphere.
There's a bloke near where I sit that's always complaining that we don't sing enough. Gives us plenty of earache on the subject.

The only time that he gives us any respite is between the 38th min (on the dot) and the 50th min. He's at the bar then.
Puppet Master Silva said:
The fact that only a certain amount of people can stand together doesn't help. 110/111 is the loudest part of the ground with not a lot of numbers, imagine if 109 and 107 were standing areas for people to sing, it would get even louder, the songs would be clearer and other parts of the stadium could join in because they can hear what's being sung. The club bring it upon themselves to be honest and then they flirt around with moving the away fans up into the Gods, but then back out after a game or two because they don't think it's working. These things take time to get organised and the way City go about it isn't helping. The south stand doesn't even have enough people in to make a huge amount of noise, compare how many people are in there to the Kop or Stretford end (they still manage to get a shitter atmosphere), it's a bit of a joke that our stadium is so poorly designed for atmosphere.

I can't see anything changing in the foreseeable future, maybe if safe standing comes in.
It's absolutely pathetic the amount of spaces we have available for our vocal and standing fans. We have the fifth biggest stadium and the fourth best attendance yet the following clubs all have bigger (and in some cases much MUCH bigger) vocal sections than we do:
The Rags
West Brom
MK Dons
Cov did at the Ricoh
Notts Co.
Bristol C
Bristol Rovers
and even Stickport County

Many of the ones I've missed off are because I don't know how many their vocal section holds and can't be arsed looking.

We have about 1800 one side of the away fans in the South Stand and about 1500 the other side in the East corner. It's pitiful. The stadium holds nearly 48000 people and we have about 3300 available as a vocal section.
Christ, Villa's Holt End holds 14500...SheffUtd's Kop holds 13000...Liverpool's Kop holds 12000...Plymouth's Davenport End holds 3500...Bristol Rovers' new "UWE Stadium"s vocal section will dwarf ours and they might not even be in the football league!

And how many of those vocal sections around he country have to move when they have a home cup game?

This is the worst thing (and one of the only bad things to be fair) about our club.
mancityvstoke said:
There was a point during the really quiet spells that I wanted to stand on my seat and start singing loud as fuck

but I know for a fact that you'd be doing it alone and frowned on by the majority and maybe even taken off to a yellow van outside.

Not read all the pages, just got as far as this, I have no voice this morning because I did just this, apart from the standing on my seat bit. There were only 3 people around me who usually sit there, and at one point a few of the 'new' fans were laughing, but they were laughing with me not at me. I sang, I shouted, I screamed but I was one person on one row and I didn't wait for someone else to start me off, I just did it. If people laugh, if they send for the yellow van then so be it but I am there to support Manchester City Football Team and if that makes me daft then that makes me daft!!

Never worry about singing, cheering on your own, it is good for you. Oh and I don't stand either, I just sit and make a noise!!

The really strange thing is that in ordinary, everyday life I wouldn't say boo to a goose, but in a crowded stadium I can forget my inhibitions and cheer like mad. To be honest cheering and 'singing' is good for me I think, it means I can get rid of all the frustrations of 'real life'.
KippaxCity is right, such small spaces for singers in such a big stadium. Even those spaces have a lot of non-singers in them.

It's up to the club to sort this with the likes of 1894, there is a desire to do something, that is clear. Give singers the spaces and you will see a difference for these Cup ties. For every successful tie, more people will want to come along and sing without making a tool of themselves.

Got to say though it was only a few weeks ago everyone was saying how good the atmosphere was against Liverpool, Arsenal and Spurs. Palace and last night were poor, but in my opinion for a lot of the league games it's been better not worse.
What City need to do is sort out where the away fans go, moving our southstanders who sing to all parts of the ground is killing the atmosphere. To the City fan in 101 who sings the Nasri song non stop on his own, keep it up mate, it's very amusing.
Doesn't bother me, the team clearly don't need an atmosphere to produce decent performances and I'm quite happy to turn up to home games, sit down and watch the football in a leisurely manner. I go to aways for the atmosphere.
For those that complain about singing,chanting etc,a hell of a lot of us have been doing this for decades and have more than done our share of the work,thank you.Its time for you young `uns to up the tempo,or maybe we have too may "johnny come latelys". One thing, if thats the case,it will get worse before it gets better.

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