Come on City fans - sort the atmosphere out

M18CTID said:
gazmedina said:
M18CTID said:
I guess that makes you a bigger blue than me then.

As for being patronising, behave. It's not me that's telling people what they can and can't sing.

When did I say what people can and can't sing? I just said that one of the reasons why the atmosphere won't pick up is because the rest of the stadium isn't going to join in singing about David Moyes being a paedophile after about twenty lads in 111 try and get it going for the fifth time that evening. But when the singing section gets Blue Moon going it tends to get around the entire stadium. I'm part of that singing section and believe that we have most of the responsibility for generating an atmosphere.

You sing whatever you like mate - but it's true that there's a handful of lads around 111 trying to torture another variation of a song about Moyes or United out of anything and have a good giggle among themselves while the rest of the stand just can't be bothered with it. You're right that rivalry holds its place in football and chanting, and I'd certainly agree that a good dig can be really entertaining, it's just that when the balance gets tipped so that over 50% of songs are about United then a lot of people are just not going to bother. They'll just watch the football instead. Have a look around if you don't believe me: the atmosphere has never been quite this obsessed with United in all my time going.

Firstly - how have you arrived at the stat that over 50% of songs in 111 are about United? I'd wager that it's less than that.

Secondly - even if it is over 50% does that mean if we get it down to 49% then that's acceptable?

Thirdly - "You're right that rivalry holds its place in football and chanting, and I'd certainly agree that a good dig can be really entertaining". So it's ok to sing songs about United after all? But only when it suits you it seems.

1. As an estimate I'd say that at the moment at home games about half of our songs are about United. If you toss in the songs which are ostensibly about City but carry some express reference to United in (Jaap Stam, Phil Jones, Etc.) then I would say that figure is comfortably over 50%.

2. In my opinion that would still be too high.

3. It would suit me just to chant significantly less about United. I think I've made that pretty clear. If you were a bit less touchy and didn't respond to suggestions that we chant a bit too much about United with "song police", "what we can and can't sing", "what percentage is acceptable" "when it suits you" you'd probably just see my point that - speaking for myself and judging by the others around me - the balance isn't right. It's got to the point where I don't sing anything about United because I'm just bored of it. It didn't always used to be like that. What's changed?
Marvin said:
Another great night's entertainment, but the atmosphere needs sorting out.

What has happened to the so called singing section in the corner? Stood up all game, but did you sing? Hardly.

We all need to sort this out, and it's getting boring I know. But something has to be done

I got relocated from the South Stand to Block 234, in the North Stand. No one supported the team at all, and it took a goal or something special to get them to even clap.

Sole downside to what was a great night

I sit in the North Stand and have to say there's a couple of loons in there that try to get it going. However there's a lot of kids too. Especially in the cup games and all you can hear is the back of seats being kicked (the youth of today).

In the 1894 thread I posted a response about getting a similar group together at the back of the North Stand, even if they are allowed a drum to get it going a bit (I know, I know)

That band that used to walk around were great, if they could get it going in the concourse that might help. I know it was bad last night, but all the singers get relocated and scattered around for cup games. In the league, it's been the best its been for a while
Blue Si O.B said:
I thought the atmosphere was shocking last night and talksport had Blackburn fans ringing in to comment on how poor our fans are. Its almost as embarrassing as the hoardes of sad cases that get up and leave with 10-15minutes left to play.
I started supporting city because my uncle started taking me to maine rd in the kippax in about 91(aged12) at the time I was undecided on who to support being from a half blue half red family. I paid old trafford a visit too back then and all I can honestly say is that the atmosphere in the kippax is what made me choose blue over red it was something I wanted to be a part of. We need to get that back.

How the fook do blackburn fans have the cheek to ring up and complain about support? They have empty stands at their games! They only sang about three songs last night aswell, all of which more or less every league club sing.
I was relocated to the North stand for last night's cup replay.
The guy next to me spent the entire game tweeting, missed all the goals, then left with 10 mins to go.
Each to their own I suppose....
Bluemoonie92 said:
Blue Si O.B said:
I thought the atmosphere was shocking last night and talksport had Blackburn fans ringing in to comment on how poor our fans are. Its almost as embarrassing as the hoardes of sad cases that get up and leave with 10-15minutes left to play.
I started supporting city because my uncle started taking me to maine rd in the kippax in about 91(aged12) at the time I was undecided on who to support being from a half blue half red family. I paid old trafford a visit too back then and all I can honestly say is that the atmosphere in the kippax is what made me choose blue over red it was something I wanted to be a part of. We need to get that back.

How the fook do blackburn fans have the cheek to ring up and complain about support? They have empty stands at their games! They only sang about three songs last night aswell, all of which more or less every league club sing.

Not forgetting the couple of songs that one club, not too far from us sings.

Quite why a Blackburn supporter would chant United, United, United is beyond me.
Why dont we do the poznan on saturday when the clock hits 10 mins ?

And before people start on ' why should i ? ' and ' i dont want to ' and ' i'll do what i want ! '...... Simple ! if you dont want to do it DONT.

Its worth a try. get whole ground doing it from 10 mins to 11mins instead of bits of the ground doing it at different times.

Will this get the atmosphere going abit more ? Who knows but lets give it a go. If it doenst work then we try something different until we find something that does.

Even the people who dont normally sing will probably still get up and do it.
moomba said:
I thought the atmosphere was shocking last night and talksport had Blackburn fans ringing in to comment on how poor our fans are. Its almost as embarrassing as the hoardes of sad cases that get up and leave with 10-15minutes left to play.
I started supporting city because my uncle started taking me to maine rd in the kippax in about 91(aged12) at the time I was undecided on who to support being from a half blue half red family. I paid old trafford a visit too back then and all I can honestly say is that the atmosphere in the kippax is what made me choose blue over red it was something I wanted to be a part of. We need to get that back.

How the fook do blackburn fans have the cheek to ring up and complain about support? They have empty stands at their games! They only sang about three songs last night aswell, all of which more or less every league club sing Not forgetting the couple of songs that one club, not too far from us sings.

Quite why a Blackburn supporter would chant United, United, United is beyond me.

these small time clubs sometimes do.......could be because they are dicks? Not sure

(the quoting got all fucked up so may have quoted wrong there...apologies before complaints pour in)

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