Community Shield Official Post Match Reaction Thread

jimharri said:
black mamba said:
Let's be honest .......

if we'd scored the all important third goal after half time they almost certainly wouldn't have come back from it ...... but we got far too complacent at the back and gifted them the Smalling goal , due to rank bad marking ... and that set the rags up.

The rags were glad to hear the half time whistle , but we failed to build on it ....... and that's why we lost this game ........ that , and the fact , that Kompany completely forgot how to deal with a ball in the final minute !

But the MAIN problem , right from the word go , was that we were carrying one or two 'passengers' out there today , who certainly didn't give their best in this game ... no doubt about that !
One or two? Buy an abacus!

hehe .....

i was bein' kind!
maine-road-ali said:
black mamba said:
Let's be honest .......

if we'd scored the all important third goal after half time they almost certainly wouldn't have come back from it ...... but we got far too complacent at the back and gifted them the Smalling goal , due to rank bad marking ... and that set the rags up.

The rags were glad to hear the half time whistle , but we failed to build on it ....... and that's why we lost this game ........ that , and the fact , that Kompany completely forgot how to deal with a ball in the final minute !
thats whats concerns me as said in earlier post. what was kidd platt an mancini doing at half time...cos whisky nose got it rite..

its understandable when we lose a match, but losing a match when we're 2-0 up was incomprehensible...i hope we won't be going to the Swansea match with this same mentality..
F*****g shrek!!

This prick thinks they taught us a lesson today?? This is really what fucks me off the pure arrogance of these rags. And they wounder why everyone hates them.
So we lost our last pre season friendly

Big deal.

It looked like they took it a lot more seriously than us anyway.
MCFC 4 EVER said:
sboroMCFC said:
We really missed Gareth Barry today. For ages I have been singing Milner's praises, saying that he should be playing instead of Gareth. Unfortunately, he didn't step up today and we improved massively once Gareth was on the pitch.
Even though I always criticise Barry we really needed him to start today so that Yaya could play as a playmaker, Milner in my opinion isn't good enough, I would have also swapped Balo for AJ

I really rate Milner but he was probably the biggest disappointment today. Not only his poor performance but the lack of effort from him was quite worrying.
allan harper said:
mcfcliam said:
Great day out, City were shit, United deserved it, don't give a fuck and roll on Swansea.

My thoughts exactly.

That has to be right. This was our first "competetive" match as part of PRE-season. Of course it was a derby and we wanted to win blah blah, but it will stand us in good stead for what's to come over the next 9 months. Too many players simply underperformed - Balo, Yaya, even VK - but we shall all learn from it and I'm certain we won't be fretting too much about it come April/May. The performances in the last part of last season show that we can beat anybody when things tick. We just need to ensure that this happens every game.

As an aside, interesting how United's usual suspects - Taggart, Wooney - are hailing this as a "put them back in their cage" moment; me thinnks they protest too much. We're not going anywhere soon.....
need to get a grip me thinks....... we av won one fa cup and qualified for another comp....... on todays performance we wont repeat it this season but it was a friendly the community shield ........ a MASSIVE victory for the scum who celebrated like they just beat barca in the cl final??????? still think we need 2/3 w class footballers 2 get where were def gonna get.................. patience blues is a virtue ;)
City is unpredictable at all

I thought this match will mark the begining of our dominance era, but it turn to be a strong and direct lesson

To lose is normal in football, but to lose this way is far from normal

wrong passing, weak defence, weak confrontations, what else should i say

Amateur performance from a professional players

The Manager and the players to take the blaim, and they should sort it out and find the way to come back as one team to challenge for the title.
thought they weren't bothered about us?!

anyone would think they'd won the fa cup...

oh that was City... :-)

right lets get the real season underway....

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