Community Shield Official Post Match Reaction Thread

sboroMCFC said:
MCFC 4 EVER said:
sboroMCFC said:
We really missed Gareth Barry today. For ages I have been singing Milner's praises, saying that he should be playing instead of Gareth. Unfortunately, he didn't step up today and we improved massively once Gareth was on the pitch.
Even though I always criticise Barry we really needed him to start today so that Yaya could play as a playmaker, Milner in my opinion isn't good enough, I would have also swapped Balo for AJ

I really rate Milner but he was probably the biggest disappointment today. Not only his poor performance but the lack of effort from him was quite worrying.
Yep I noticed that as well. You can usually rely on his non stop running and commitment but today it was sadly lacking. Getting worried about this lad - he´s just not cutting the mustard yet you just fookin know if he was playing for Stalin he would;)
I have an ill feeling we'll be splashing out big on forwards again in a year's time.

Dzeko - Quality player but suffering from our system. If we want to play the cultured sexy football with lots of passing, no real wingers, lots of pace, movement, and flair involving players like Aguero, Silva, and Nasri, then how is Dzeko going to excel in that? We should have bought Suarez instead. Note: I think Dzeko is a world class target man and this is not his fault, he just isn't the sort of player for this system.

Balotelli - He can and occasionally does fit our system but unless some measure of consistency arrives its going to be the same all season: one week he's the best, next week sell the lazy fooker. We need players who will do it week in, week out - I want Mario to shut the slimy, horrible rag media up forever but I'm having doubts he will because of his mentality.

Aguero will settle I'm sure of it but Tevez will be gone.

If we could play with Aguero/Tevez/Silva that would suit our system perfectly and provide enough goals, but Tevez is going to leave, if not now then in January. In a year's time if alterations aren't made so Dzeko fits in better or Balotelli doesn't improve, the checkbook will be out again for someone like Rossi.
Re: F*****g shrek!!

K49112008 said:
This prick thinks they taught us a lesson today?? This is really what fucks me off the pure arrogance of these rags. And they wounder why everyone hates them.
was mentioned on talksport rooney and twitter as you said taught us a football lesson today was what he tweeted or something similar,well what a fcuking clueless ugly cnut he is, maybe if it had been 4 or 5 nil but 3.2 with us not firing on all cylinders, imo come end of season he wont be as quick to mouth off....
we lost to a mistake in the 93rd minute, we were not that good on the day, but every blue I watched it with took it on the chin, to be fair no one really cared that much (reminded most of testimonial games we have played against them), the season starts next week
Lucky to go 2 in front,eventually beating by an average rag side.Thought we should have used a lot more subs than we did,Kolarov and Lescott our pass marks the rest poor with Balotelli,Milner,Yaya and Vinny being rank rotten.
LoveCity said:
I have an ill feeling we'll be splashing out big on forwards again in a year's time.

Dzeko - Quality player but suffering from our system. If we want to play the cultured sexy football with lots of passing, no real wingers, lots of pace, movement, and flair involving players like Aguero, Silva, and Nasri, then how is Dzeko going to excel in that? We should have bought Suarez instead. Note: I think Dzeko is a world class target man and this is not his fault, he just isn't the sort of player for this system.

Balotelli - He can and occasionally does fit our system but unless some measure of consistency arrives its going to be the same all season: one week he's the best, next week sell the lazy fooker. We need players who will do it week in, week out - I want Mario to shut the slimy, horrible rag media up forever but I'm having doubts he will because of his mentality.

Aguero will settle I'm sure of it but Tevez will be gone.

If we could play with Aguero/Tevez/Silva that would suit our system perfectly and provide enough goals, but Tevez is going to leave, if not now then in January. In a year's time if alterations aren't made so Dzeko fits in better or Balotelli doesn't improve, the checkbook will be out again for someone like Rossi.
If Tevez goes we need another striker end of
Re: Re: Community Shield Official Post Match Reaction Thread

mcfcliam said:
Great day out, City were shit, United deserved it, don't give a fuck and roll on Swansea.

Well summed up mcfcliam,i agree.
Yes, it was the strikers' fault City lost.

This place is becoming delusional. It is obvious that midfield is thin, even when it works better than today. But noooooo, "let's buy three more strikers!".

Idiotic, really.
Today showed how we've not moved on at all, how Mancini will never get the best out of this squad, that De Jongs position is pointless against 4-4-2, that we've next to no ceativity and that Mancini is just not at the intellectual races.
He said after the match that he couldn't understand why we were playing so deep when we went 2-0 up whilst playing two holding midfielders, duh!
The sum of your players should add up to more than their total, with Mancini it's less!
all these pages over the fact we`ve just lost our first friendly....

for fuck sake,get over yourselves,we got beat,we looked tired,we wasn`t on form blah blah blah..bottom line is we havn`t lost any points and we havn`t got any injuries..

if any problems need ironing out then today served a slight lesson what other top teams do when two up,don`t fuckin sit back and go for the juglar vein but it will all come in time..

let`s not let getting beat in a glorified friendly off them lot stop the momentum we`ve built up over last season,we`re better than that,these matches mean fuck all in the long run and i for one can`t wait for the season to begin...

forza mancini....

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