Community Shield - post match discussion....

Every time City have won the league they've won the Charity Shield.

Sunderland, WBA and now Chelsea put to the sword.
Tevez was brilliant 2day .The partnership with aguero looks fantastic just shows we dont need van the man
Re: The goosebumps are back!

Del Monte said:
I had goosebumps all the way through that match, the roar of the crowd, the team spirit looking brilliant, so glad football is back. If that game was an indicator of this season then bring it on! Can't contain my excitement!!

As much as I dislike the Apache, Aguero's and Tevez little talk after Tevez' goal looked very friendly. A lethal partnership up front in the works?
JamesMCFC said:
Just seen a lad on twitter who talks of Kolo, Dzeko sulking:

"K. Toure was very upset today, Kompany had to go and pull out him out the dugout for the celebrations, and he walked off after they started."

"K.Toure also threw his medal in the crowd, aswell as Dzeko. Strong signs they are both possibly on the move, won't hear the end of this."

Not good if true.

TBH I can understand Kolo's frustration as although I don't rate him he's far better than Savic.

Dzeko meanwhile, must be on his way before window shuts. I would guess that he is pissed because we are making sure we get a decent fee, not his fault but he is worth the 25mil we want, so he'll just have to get on until someone meets our valuation.
Re: The goosebumps are back!

Comrade Buka said:
Del Monte said:
I had goosebumps all the way through that match, the roar of the crowd, the team spirit looking brilliant, so glad football is back. If that game was an indicator of this season then bring it on! Can't contain my excitement!!

As much as I dislike the Apache, Aguero's and Tevez little talk after Tevez' goal looked very friendly. A lethal partnership up front in the works?
I'm with you on Tevez but he's doing a job convincing me he wants to be here.
kippaxwarrior said:
Back on the coach. Though we played really well and I like the formation
North Stand was rocking! 90 minutes non stop singing. Hope you heard us loud and clear!!

Very noisy, well done....fuck all from the Rent Boys.
Great start to the season, I thought we looked sharper than Chelsea and could of had a hat full in the second half.

I thought the new formation worked well and although I don't think we'll use it all the time it gives us another dimension.

Jimmy Milner was immense as was Yaya!

This makes for one very happy blue.
mammyjam said:
Just left now heard a few blues say kolo was in a huff and booted his medal into the crowd I saw him head straight down the tunnel with dzeko while the rest of the team did a lap... Any idea what went on or if this is true?
If, repeat IF, they did that then they can fuck off. Shocking attitude by them.
JamesMCFC said:
Just seen a lad on twitter who talks of Kolo, Dzeko sulking:

"K. Toure was very upset today, Kompany had to go and pull out him out the dugout for the celebrations, and he walked off after they started."

"K.Toure also threw his medal in the crowd, aswell as Dzeko. Strong signs they are both possibly on the move, won't hear the end of this."

Players give meaningless medals to fans and it suddenly means they're leaving? Dzeko wouldn't have played at all if he was going, what would be the point?

Made up rubbish, as is the norm for twatter.

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