Community Shield - post match discussion....

great game by Milner, Tevez and Yaya.

352 will help Kolarov and Milner.
Manci7y said:
Kolo definitely threw his medal in to the crowd.

Picture proof has been put on FB. TBH we would all love to keep every player and win every game. This isn't going to happen and with Rodwell coming in someone has to go.

Cam you put picture proof on here?
Rammy Blue said:
Think MadZab deserves a mention, he didn't put a foot wrong today and put in some hefty challenges.

Cheers mate!!

Enjoyed the game, but never got out of first gear TBH ;)
Sky Blue said:
citymad said:
A great performance, thought De Jong was superb in his breaking up play role, always available and read the game well.The usual suspects also had great games.What i like about us at the moment is we look like we can step up it up when it really matters.

I always worry when you get optimistic......

haha here we go again :) I cant quite get this half glass full stuff but I'm getting there!!!
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best bit of the game, apart from the win of course, ashley cole running at zabba thinking he was going to shit it and pull out of the tackle, and zabba nailed him. cole jogged off in pain. classic
SebastianBlue said:
Project said:
We look strong and powerful. And quite fluid in this new formation which seems to suit the personnel of the squad.

And Silva, Lescott, Richards, Hart, Balotelli etc all to return.

I wouldn't go so far as to say "fluid" on this performance but I think we could be with Silva and Lescott/Clichy in the team.

However, as I said in the match thread, I have been a big defender of de Jong but his play today annoyed me. He continually seemed (you rarely be absolutely sure with him) to miscontrol simple passes and was hesitant to to pass forward. I like the Nigel fromthe last half of last season, not the first half-season Nigel we saw today.

what ? must have watched a different game. oh well its all just opinions:)
FantasyIreland said:

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