Community Shield - post match discussion....

Looked sharper than we did in last years match. Not a perfect performance but got the right result in the end.

Loved the 93:20 banner!
jimharri said:
Just watching the post-match waffle on ITV. Showed the bust up between Pants and Bertrand. Has to be said, Bertrand appears to be the latest in a long line of pricks to play for Chelsea.

Thought the same thing...a right fucking knob...
Re: The goosebumps are back!

Del Monte said:
I had goosebumps all the way through that match, the roar of the crowd, the team spirit looking brilliant, so glad football is back. If that game was an indicator of this season then bring it on! Can't contain my excitement!!

Agreed mate, we looked nice and solid, but Pantilimon frightens the life out of me at times. Hope Hart is OK for next week.
pweyhe said:
Blu KB said:
Can Silva and Nasri play together in that formation?

This is what I'm wondering. Nasri had a goal and an assist today, and an all-around very good second half. But I mean it's David Silva, and he looked good in his cameo. It's crazy to me that one of them (probably Nasri) is going to have to be on the bench. It seems like a waste if they're both playing well.

The formation definitely has its positives, though, so I don't know..

The beauty of this formation is that you can easily go 3421, with Silva and Nasri just behind a sole striker. There's so many options with it and it will allow us to rest Silva a lot more next season and maintain his effectiveness the whole season.
Yaya was magnificent as usual, deserved MOTM, Milner was a bit shakey first half but came on to an excellent game second half. Thought Sergio was a bit off the pace, but only game time will help him get back to his usual form.

The thing that annoys me the most about chelski, is the amount of talent Chelsea have and they still play like Cheating bastards, they could have had about 3 men sent off today, utter scum.
Comrade Buka said:
jimharri said:
Just watching the post-match waffle on ITV. Showed the bust up between Pants and Bertrand. Has to be said, Bertrand appears to be the latest in a long line of pricks to play for Chelsea.

I am guessing if the tables were turned you'd be saying Cech is prick.
But they're not. And my point still stands re. Chelsea players. Also, players rushing to get the ball back does not necessarily speed up the restart as it is the 'keeper's team-mates who will be restarting the game. Therefore, all it does (whichever team does it) is antagonise their opponents and throw fuel onto the fire.
Think MadZab deserves a mention, he didn't put a foot wrong today and put in some hefty challenges.
Just seen a lad on twitter who talks of Kolo, Dzeko sulking:

"K. Toure was very upset today, Kompany had to go and pull out him out the dugout for the celebrations, and he walked off after they started."

"K.Toure also threw his medal in the crowd, aswell as Dzeko. Strong signs they are both possibly on the move, won't hear the end of this."
Just left now heard a few blues say kolo was in a huff and booted his medal into the crowd I saw him head straight down the tunnel with dzeko while the rest of the team did a lap... Any idea what went on or if this is true?

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