Community Shield | Post-Match Thread

Ohh they were bothered alright, walking back to the tube saw a couple of teenage lads trying to rile up families even. I thought there lot were at their worst yesterday, really insulting obvious tourist 'blues' who didn't have a clue what was going on...the irony..Utd have had these tourists for decades..anyway ..vile lot..Im with you, don't want them to win a game of marbles v us let alone ANY match...they are still streets ahead of Liverpool in the scum stakes..
I don’t even want them to win a throw-in, whether they’re playing us, or not.
What is it with all those back room staff dicks, lined up in identical suit and ties, like they’re getting a team photo done or some shit?

Until I watched highlights of the game this afternoon, I’d never seen that Omar guy in my life. Despite being at City for years.

They showed more of him and the other bellends than half the players on the highlights.

Didn’t look like Scruffy Jim bothered though. Probably at the Chelsea game.
He wasn’t our CEO. He went to OT because they offered him that role. He wasn’t good enough to do it at ours
Didn't see the game as I was being a good husband on my wedding anniversary. However my rag neighbour tells me the best team lost which is good enough for me. No need to watch any highlights

The usual interpretation that if they get a few chances it automatically eliminates all the good stuff we did prior. Cos we play a high line all it takes is a long hoof & they get excited. They seem to think they gave us a footballing lesson which is exactly what the commentators were telling them.

Didn't see the game as I was being a good husband on my wedding anniversary. However my rag neighbour tells me the best team lost which is good enough for me. No need to watch any highlights
Your neighbour is a liar as we won

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