Congrats to the United fan at 4:18

Well that video sums them up, classless scum. The thing is I know people who support them who are actually okay and would be embarrassed by that video but at the end of the day it's not like you can say it's only the minority of them because there is a hell of a lot of them there trying to threaten City fans and what pisses me off is at one point a fellow Blue holds his arm up as he is walking past them and gets told to put it down by a police officer. Absolutely ridiculous, why doesn't the police officer stop those assholes from hurling abuse at passers by instead of doing that? Round up his co workers and move them away from where the City fans are walking past.

I also like how they just allowed them to lob drinks and cans at the City buses, in my book that is violence and if I threw a can of beer at a bus whilst the police were about I'd be dragged away by them. One of the police even walks past and is nearly hit by a can and he just stops, looks and then keeps walking.

This video makes me even prouder to be a City fan, they may call us bitter but after watching that it is clear as day who the real bitter ones are and it sure as hell isn't us. I would actually love if some of this was shown on Sky Sports News or something, show them up for what they really are, and I'm sure I heard in various places that there was no or very little trouble but I think after watching that it's obvious there was trouble and it all seems fairly one sided there. It's quite a coincidence really how they react like that and their players also looked so bitter too with Camelface and co running after Balotelli following the final whistle. They are a disgrace on and off the field, players and fans alike.
SWP's back said:
MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
Came across this aswell...


Why was the prick not twatted or thrown out? And which muppet actually sold him a ticket in our end?

WTF? He would have lasted about 5 seconds within ear shot of me.

That's not playing the hard man but I was so wound up as the team came out, I'd have taken on David Haye if he was near and singing Utd songs.


Sounds like he's mouthed the words and then dubbed it over later... which is why the City fan puts his arm round him, he's not saying anything and he thinks he's joining in with our chant.

Bit sad really.
More like he's actually gone to the game with a city fan or two , and they've got him a ticket!
GStar said:
SWP's back said:
WTF? He would have lasted about 5 seconds within ear shot of me.

That's not playing the hard man but I was so wound up as the team came out, I'd have taken on David Haye if he was near and singing Utd songs.


Sounds like he's mouthed the words and then dubbed it over later... which is why the City fan puts his arm round him, he's not saying anything and he thinks he's joining in with our chant.

Bit sad really.

It is very odd.
Actually what's just pissed me off even more, I just saw a video on YouTube of a few City fans throwing cans at a rag bus and guess what, the police run straight over and grab them, about three police ran over to one guy and grab him and walk him off. Now how many rags did that in that video, a lot more than that, one even nearly hits a police officer with a can, and how many were grabbed by the police, none, what an absolute joke that is.
MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
Came across this aswell...


Why was the prick not twatted or thrown out? And which muppet actually sold him a ticket in our end?
Nobody reacts at all and between 48-51 seconds the lips move but no words come out.

Its dubbed badly. This crazy scum fan cannot edit a video to save his life.
Paulmcfc2703 said:
MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
Came across this aswell...


Why was the prick not twatted or thrown out? And which muppet actually sold him a ticket in our end?
Nobody reacts at all and between 48-51 seconds the lips move but no words come out.

Its dubbed badly. This crazy scum fan cannot edit a video to save his life.
you're all crediting this dickhead with the braincells required to use a computer. my guess is he'd have difficulty sorting his shoe laces. serious, if i found myself in my fourties and pulling shite like that, i'd be fuckin embarrased
wow what a bunch of truly scummy rag wankstains!

no wonder everyone hates them so much the pathetic twats

MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
Came across this aswell...


Why was the prick not twatted or thrown out? And which muppet actually sold him a ticket in our end?

Shows how our support has changed, can you imagine that being even attempted in the Kippax!

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