Considering becoming a vegetarian

We’re you a script writer for Monty Python?

You've beeb gone from the thread a little while, I expect you've been busy reading those links I posted for you that showed when you said it was bollocks that animals were given B12 supplements that it was actually you talking bollocks. Any comment on the links? Still, if this is your best comeback good to know you are maintaining your standards.
For those considering joining the Vegan cult, don't.
I'm having these for tea.


As for that reconstituted cardboard Quorn...
No ta.
For those considering joining the Vegan cult, don't.
I'm having these for tea.


As for that reconstituted cardboard Quorn...
No ta.

You don't do it thinking food will be better. It won't. It may be healthier though, but even that's not the motivation. It's compassion for their plight. Nothing else. The mistake is looking at the more eccentric vegans and using them to describe people like me. You accept that that dish of food looks and tastes great, the only difference is I don't want it killed for me to eat it. It took me years to finally do this and I cannot or will not criticise anyone. I did it for me to be better able to live in my head without feeling like a hypocritical bastard. I always talked the talk about the plight of animals but I did fuck all about it. I miss those ribs but I prefer them where they came from. Intact. My mental health is better. And that will do for me. And as a final note, I also hate that Quorn shit. And every meat substitute. Where's my bag of nuts?
No will power to go vegetarian. Fair play to those who do but I eat out probably 5 nights a week and meat is just something I enjoy too much to give up.
My starters are usually meat free though so I'm trying to do my bit...
You don't do it thinking food will be better. It won't. It may be healthier though, but even that's not the motivation. It's compassion for their plight. Nothing else. The mistake is looking at the more eccentric vegans and using them to describe people like me. You accept that that dish of food looks and tastes great, the only difference is I don't want it killed for me to eat it. It took me years to finally do this and I cannot or will not criticise anyone. I did it for me to be better able to live in my head without feeling like a hypocritical bastard. I always talked the talk about the plight of animals but I did fuck all about it. I miss those ribs but I prefer them where they came from. Intact. My mental health is better. And that will do for me. And as a final note, I also hate that Quorn shit. And every meat substitute. Where's my bag of nuts?
Try this then, yanked from it's home in the sea depths, and left to
suffocate amongst thousands of its compatriots, but who gives a fuck ;)

Apparently, if we all ate these, we could solve all the worlds food problems,
and help the environment massively.


If anyone isn't too keen, there are millions of other insect alternatives, grubs etc;

Any vegans up for it, or are they just the squeamish, preachy tossers
of popular sentiment?

(Apologies to the non preachy tossers;)

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