Considering becoming a vegetarian

Since I cut meat and fish out last October I’ve felt fitter, healthier, I can train for longer and I only wish I’d done it 20 or 30 years ago.
Now imagine the stamina, speed and strength you'd have if you cut out the real killers: dairy and eggs. You would be a machine!
Apparently, if we all ate these, we could solve all the worlds food problems,
and help the environment massively.


If anyone isn't too keen, there are millions of other insect alternatives, grubs etc;

Any vegans up for it, or are they just the squeamish, preachy tossers
of popular sentiment?

(Apologies to the non preachy tossers;)

They look better than Quorn
You don't do it thinking food will be better. It won't. It may be healthier though, but even that's not the motivation. It's compassion for their plight. Nothing else. The mistake is looking at the more eccentric vegans and using them to describe people like me. You accept that that dish of food looks and tastes great, the only difference is I don't want it killed for me to eat it. It took me years to finally do this and I cannot or will not criticise anyone. I did it for me to be better able to live in my head without feeling like a hypocritical bastard. I always talked the talk about the plight of animals but I did fuck all about it. I miss those ribs but I prefer them where they came from. Intact. My mental health is better. And that will do for me. And as a final note, I also hate that Quorn shit. And every meat substitute. Where's my bag of nuts?
I DEMAND that you try Richmonds vegan friendly sausages!! I shan’t stand for such blasphemy
You don't do it thinking food will be better. It won't. It may be healthier though, but even that's not the motivation. It's compassion for their plight. Nothing else. The mistake is looking at the more eccentric vegans and using them to describe people like me. You accept that that dish of food looks and tastes great, the only difference is I don't want it killed for me to eat it. It took me years to finally do this and I cannot or will not criticise anyone. I did it for me to be better able to live in my head without feeling like a hypocritical bastard. I always talked the talk about the plight of animals but I did fuck all about it. I miss those ribs but I prefer them where they came from. Intact. My mental health is better. And that will do for me. And as a final note, I also hate that Quorn shit. And every meat substitute. Where's my bag of nuts?
I know I take the piss regularly but fair play MP, I respect your choice of being veggie and anyone who chooses become a vegetarian/vegan.

Was having a discussion with my best mate a few weeks ago about eating meat, told him I was going to shoot a rabbit or two for the pot as my mum used to eat rabbit in ww2 rationing as it was free and plentiful. She brought us up on rabbit pie, and for those who haven't tried eating rabbit it's quite close to chicken and most wouldn't tell the difference if it was in a spicy curry.

My mate argued with me asking why I wanted to shoot a rabbit, yet he is a meat eater happy enough to go to a supermarket and buy pre packaged meat that someone has killed for the table. He argued I don't need to shoot a rabbit saying he would rather go to Aldi and buy a tin of beans to eat. I eat beans from Aldi but they don't sell rabbit, neither do any other supermarket I know of. And rabbit in most butchers that is sold nowadays is stringy and imported from China.

He was getting on my nerves preaching to me on animal cruelty yet I pointed out that as a meat eater he is quite happy enough to eat chicken from KFC and the like(mostly halal) that have been reared and slaughtered in unethical and cruel conditions.

The thing is my mate is a meat eater and has no valid argument in me shooting an animal to eat. I said that if he feels that strongly and upset at me shooting a rabbit he should seriously consider turning vegetarian at least, even vegan. We fell out and he slammed the phone down on me calling me a wanker, not spoke to him since.

I recently shot a rabbit with a head shot, died instantly. I skinned and butchered it to eat. An animal that was free range and organic meat. It was tasty eating. And as a meat eater myself it was a justified kill IMO as I shot it to eat, not for sport. I did feel guilty in shooting an animal to eat though TBH. So much so that I may stop eating meat in future.
Now imagine the stamina, speed and strength you'd have if you cut out the real killers: dairy and eggs. You would be a machine!
Totally agree on this, i cut out all meat and dairy about a month ago and my fitness and energy levels have gone through the roof, recovery is so much quicker as well, ran 81miles last week and hardly felt any aches or pains.

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