Considering becoming a vegetarian

i hear this sort of argument - that you cant really get a proper balanced diet from vegetarian (or especially vegan) - all the time but then i go to places like India, Nepal and so on and there are hundreds of millions of folks in this world doing ok on a veg diet. Plus those in europe and america and so on.
I didn't say that you couldn't get a balanced diet from being a vegetarian, only that it was more difficult.
Absolute garbage
I don't eat either of those and my annual blood tests are bang on.
Also my cholesterol levels are a lot lower since I stopped eating meat.
Re-read my post.
Your inclination to be a vegetarian has obviously affected your ability to comprehend what I wrote.
Vegans don't block the country roads by riding in an annoying formation though.

It was a joke, although some do block restaurants.

Cyclists are the biggest tossers out there, especially on the canal.

Don’t get me started on vegan cyclists.

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