Considering becoming a vegetarian

There is a field of cows almost immediately outside my kitchen window and I have been known to fry steaks with the window open. I probably need some form of corrective behaviour therapy.
No. That's where you live. The field wasn't down to you. Neither the decision to put cows in it willy nilly. You're fine. They don't know you're eating one if their best friends.
So do you think people should be allowed to make the choice to be racist, sexist etc?

It’s perfectly legal to eat animals, it’s not legal to discriminate against someone based on their skin colour or sex.

You can be a racist if you don’t act upon it but we’re discussing the act of eating animals and vegans harassing people and the act of racism, which is illegal.
I kinda stopped eating meat a few years ago. No official cut off day just gradually realised I didn't much like meat anymore.
I remember I made a big curry, loads of veggies and chicken, I said to my wife, this is delicious but the worst part is the chicken.
That was it, still eat fish, cheese, eggs though.
All the stuff they feed and inject animals with, put me off it also. Antibiotics, growth hormones etc.
I get iron from things like spinach and pulses, protein from dairy.
I have blood tests annually and they're always normal.
Never take any supplements.
Vitamin supplements and all the rest are useless. The science us in, absorption rate is practically fuck all. All you need to do is Google how to replace certain nutrients with actual food. Nuts and pulses a must, I've always loved fruit and veg, hence the complexion of a 20 year old angel.

I did source an ethical dairy that doesn't seperate calf's from their mothers, the cheese is fantastic, but because I haven't eaten dairy for nearly a year, it was not pleasant. So, no cheese. Don't ever try vegan cheese. It's beyond harsh criticism.
Supplements for vitamins is pretty pointless, but they are okay for certain minerals and iron. Certainly no substitute for real food though, for sure.

On the subject of cheese Tesco's do a nice vegetarian Pecorino Romaro which is a great Parmesan alternative. I'll agree on Vegan cheese; it is utterly vile.
Supplements for vitamins is pretty pointless, but they are okay for certain minerals and iron. Certainly no substitute for real food though, for sure.

On the subject of cheese Tesco's do a nice vegetarian Pecorino Romaro which is a great Parmesan alternative. I'll agree on Vegan cheese; it is utterly vile.

Pecorino Romano? Wasn't he in The Sopranos?

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