Considering becoming a vegetarian

I can preach to no **** the time it took me. It just got to a point where I ran out if the shut excuses I gave. I agree about finding more ethical sources. That was my last excuse I used, but, in the end it wasn't enough. I'm not a fan of vegetarian food though. Probably never will be. It's ok and that's about the best I can say. I'm not doing it for better tasting food, I'm doing it because I couldn't take anymore of my own bullshit excuses.
That is a commendable personal ethical decision in this cynical world.

I may be naive but I trust local farmers to look after their stock with care and kindness. Certainly the farmers I know/knew were of that ilk. I do as much research as I can around suppliers. Its not the meat that gives me a gut. Its the bloody vino.
That is a commendable personal ethical decision in this cynical world.

I may be naive but I trust local farmers to look after their stock with care and kindness. Certainly the farmers I know/knew were of that ilk. I do as much research as I can around suppliers. Its not the meat that gives me a gut. Its the bloody vino.

I'm still on the vino. Grapes can go fuck themselves.
It’s perfectly legal to eat animals, it’s not legal to discriminate against someone based on their skin colour or sex.

You can be a racist if you don’t act upon it but we’re discussing the act of eating animals and vegans harassing people and the act of racism, which is illegal.

Why? What makes our lives worth more than an animal's?

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