controversial opinions - off topic version

Anyone with over 21,000 posts on this forum which are mainly in Off Topic must be a complete social idiot and is wasting their life.

Life is too short, and too precious to waste by posting regularly on forums like this.
I'm loving your brand new laddish image Tezza. Using words like 'idiot' and swearing like a navvy. It's almost as if you're a COMPLETELY different person to the one posting political stuff before the election.

Both trolling WUMs but very very different.

Or maybe you realized a lot of us were onto you and the game was up so you decided to dispense with any 'subtlety' and just be outright racist and/or antagonistic whenever possible?

Either way you still regard BlueMooners with utter contempt. Yet you continue to come on here quite often. Who's the social idiot then? Hmm?
Prestwich_Blue said:
People should have to pass an exam and interview before they're allowed to have kids.

The quickest way to stop the deaths of British soldiers in Afghanistan is to shoot ten men from the nearest town/village to any bomb that goes off.
Those tactics were used by the Waffen SS, I think that made the partisans more determined.
"ghosts" are not spirits of the dead. we see "ghosts" through the result of the 5th dimension (an alternate reality where conditions are the same but chance has changed the course of history. e.g flip a coin here, it turns out heads, but in the 5th dimension it may turn out tails). 'ghosts' are living people from the 5th dimension who's energy passes through this reality when the 2 timelines meet a 'crossroads'. we also appear as ghosts in their reality.

thats my theory
controversial opinions ok well too many dickjeads on here talk a load of rubbish that is simply not funny nor interesting.l I guess they know who they are.

There are too many foreigners in the UK and it is bleeding us dry. We simply cannot cope with it and it will get worse. If that means I am a raciest then so be it.

The IRA, well they have done well for a bunch of murdering scum who spent years murdering, maiming not only soldiers but children, babies and women. All of a sudden they are seen as the innocent!!!!!!! we might as well say that Hitler was innocent as well.

Gays, it is wrong and disgusting. Always has been and always will.

Season ticket holders who buy the cheapest season ticket going then claim to be great fans because they have a season ticket and live 1 mile away from the ground. Watching city is laid on a plate for them. If they had to endure any hardship to watch city they would simply not go.

Just a few and there is a lot more where that came from.
kevinmcfc said:
controversial opinions ok well too many dickjeads on here talk a load of rubbish that is simply not funny nor interesting.l I guess they know who they are.

There are too many foreigners in the UK and it is bleeding us dry. We simply cannot cope with it and it will get worse. If that means I am a raciest then so be it.

The IRA, well they have done well for a bunch of murdering scum who spent years murdering, maiming not only soldiers but children, babies and women. All of a sudden they are seen as the innocent!!!!!!! we might as well say that Hitler was innocent as well.

Gays, it is wrong and disgusting. Always has been and always will.

Season ticket holders who buy the cheapest season ticket going then claim to be great fans because they have a season ticket and live 1 mile away from the ground. Watching city is laid on a plate for them. If they had to endure any hardship to watch city they would simply not go.

Just a few and there is a lot more where that came from.

Looks like BB2's managed to sneak back on the forum again

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