cooks job on the line

DidsburyCitizen said:
The story comes from Daniel Taylor.
Daniel Taylor - the man who "heard" City fans singing "We're all going to the golden jubilee" at West Ham in January 2008. (He got it off a forum, probably Bluewatch).
Daniel Taylor - the man who came up with "70% of City fans don't want Sven" when that bore no relation to what he had been told.

I'll bet he's been on here again and has seen all these threads so feels safe writing a story.

Cook's not an elected politician, he's an employee of the owners. If they like what he's doing for the club (and some of you have short memories about the way things used to be) then he'll stay.
I have dwelled on this coming into work this morning after hearing one of the reporters from NOTW on talksport shouting him down.I have to say if i was in Gary Cooks shoes i would probably be doing the same thing.
Hey it shows he is passionate about our club ,would we really want anything less? .He believes we will be the biggest in the world he wants us to believe it.
Its like what Martin Samuel said that City’s job is to get on everybody’s wick, precisely because they do not have respect and refuse to apologise for their parvenu presence.
We have the finacial clout to take City to the top of world Elite, we know it Cookie knows it and everyone else is scared of it ,lets not make any appologies of it
Couldn't give a monkeys the incompetant fool has made a mockery of the club at times, and it was his partialy due to persuasion that Mark Hughes stayed beyond the end of last season. Good riddance to bad rubbish I say.
The majority of the Guardian article was 'old news' grouped together to make a story.
It's a pity that they are so short on real news that they do this but hey, we are still in the 'barrel' and still there to be shot at!
We are clearly getting up people's noses and they don't like it, well tough, get used to it because we are not about to go away.
As for Gary Cook's comments, we have all done it (more than once!). I accept that he is on a much bigger stage and his comments go much further but I do not have a problem with someone talking 'UP' our club.
Alistair Macintosh was a 'nice' guy, but nice guys are not what we want, but I certainly would not want Kenyon.
City is a 'project' and the success is not going to be overnight and we are going to have to take some hits along the way so let's stop having a go at our own and support everyone associated with our famous club.
Well we all know the press have their own fucking agenda. i couldn't give a flying fuck what they think or say as i actually like cook and think he's doing a good job.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Rammy Blue said:
move Cook to the side in charge of brand marketing and developments and bring in a Chief Exec who knows his stuff.

Kenyon, Dein, Parry - not really arsed who as long as they understand the job.
You have to be joking right? This is a "clarkie" isn't it?

Peter Kenyon - oily, self-serving idiot.
David Dein - umpteen failed businesses until he made a fortune out of Arsenal
Rick Parry - all I'll say is that Liverpool thought Alastair Mackintosh would be better than Parry.

Be careful what you wish for - you might get it.

Peter Storrie's on the market too?
It's difficult for me to make a clear judgement on Cook.
Notwithstanding the fact that he clearly has all the right contacts in the world and I believe CAN make a difference to the global profile of the club...he really needs some serious media training. He should keep his trap shut and I would trust the club to ask him to step down from media events until he learns how to handle them.

If you look back over recent years at our club, we've not had a decent 'front man' in any of them.

Alastair Mackintosh was just an accountant who knew little about how to front the club or indeed raise investors.

Chris Bird (ffs)...well the job went to his head without a doubt. I always wondered what the hell he was doing of a Saturday leading the team out of the tunnel and standing by the dugouts to watch the game. Besides upsetting anyone who crossed his path including numerous supporters (me included).

If Cook can only learn to keep quiet then we might get somewhere.

Mixed feelings about Peter Kenyon. I am sure that him and Cook must go back due to the Umbro/Nike connections. Didn't Abramovich also write a clause in his P45 from Chelsea that he didn't go and work for us? Perhaps that clause has now lapsed due to time (they couldn't write a 'for ever' clause in there I don't believe).
I don't like his brashness or arrogance at all! Yes he has improved some elements at the club and for that I'm grateful. But a good CEO keeps his mouth shut and gets on with the job behind the scenes. Cook acts like a horrible plastic fan at times and not what I want associated with our club. That’s just my opinion.
He is doing his job and creating publicity for the club. All publicity is good publicity, its only bad when your own start believing the bad.

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