Corinthians make 35 million bid for tevez (MERGED)

Re: Corinthinians make 35 million bid for tevez

35's enough for me. As another poster said could be a ploy to make something happen with other clubs very soon because the window does close in 10 days in Brazil.
Re: Corinthinians make 35 million bid for tevez

After this bid Tevez will not step foot in Manchester again. He has seen how Robinho got his way in "getting out" and now someone has shown a serious interest he now has the best hand. Goodbye, thanks for the goals, but I won't miss the attitude. go and rot back home.
Re: Corinthinians make 35 million bid for tevez

"Corinthians assistant director of football, Duílio Monteiro Alves, says there is no offer for Tevez but the club are open to his return."

Twitter - someone unknown, no journalist/famous/reliable person but still seems plausible.
Re: Corinthinians make 35 million bid for tevez

IanBishopsHaircut said:
r.soleofsalford said:
TonyM said:
£35m + Sell on Clasue + first dibs on a couple of decent prospects?

this plus we dont subsides his wages.

if he so desperately wants to be near his children. that i dont doubt, he shouldnt expect us to pay the short fall

Read the Mail article..they can afford his wages
The Daily Mail is Gospel? After all the transfer tosh we've read this Summer you have to question everything
Re: Corinthinians make 35 million bid for tevez

CityForever45 said:
If it's true, in all honesty i would accept it right now: no team will offer us 50 millions for him.

Nah we all know he dont want to go there he wants Real and they can well afford that amount - they will simply offer 36 Million and old cnut face will be kicking and screaming for City to push the deal through - tell Corinthinians to feck off its 40 million put a sell on clause in the deal and we are good to go - if nothing else RM will have to beat 40 Million and if he goes t Corinithinans and he kick off there (in about 2 years time me thinks) and feck off to RM we still get a cut
Re: £35 Million bid from Corinthians for Tevez

MCFC-alan88 said:
rickmcfc said:
S04 said:
Corinthians are a club with russian mob connections..They got money if they need it I guess.
FFPR?? Though your owner isn't allowed to plough dosh in anymore?

FFPR is a UEFA thing. Last time I looked, Argentina isn't in Europe.
Neither is Brazil ;-)
Re: £35 Million bid from Corinthians for Tevez

Have they got any decent youngsters?35 million is a bit cheap
Re: Corinthinians make 35 million bid for tevez

we shouldnt rush nor should we be rushed into selling him until we know we have got a aguero

ew hold all the cards.....he is under contract and even if he hands in a trasfer request offically we dont have to sell until

1. we have the correct price
2. we have a replacement

those mentioning the sell on clause as well.....very very good shout!!!!
Re: £35 Million bid from Corinthians for Tevez

Snap their fookin hands off.

A European club and I'd hold out for £50m, but just take him away, slap a sell on clause on there, get him a clock from Argos and send him on his merry way.

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