Coronavirus (2021) thread

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See my comment about whole virus vaccines. The first wave of vaccines that the UK and US selected were very effective but they are also very focused on a piece of the virus that turned out to be more mutagenic than anticipated.

This epidemic continues because of variants that is why we are still commenting on this thread. The original Wuhan virus is all but extinct. Even the Kent variant is almost beat in the UK.
Partly because of the variant and partly because some people in Bolton and other locations wouldn’t take the vaccine when offered it. Reduced compliance with the rules has also contributed to the 21st June easings being put back.

I hope the Government maintains some momentum to support business by enabling increased attendance at weddings etc.
See my comment about whole virus vaccines. The first wave of vaccines that the UK and US selected were very effective but they are also very focused on a piece of the virus that turned out to be more mutagenic than anticipated.

This epidemic continues because of variants that is why we are still commenting on this thread. The original Wuhan virus is all but extinct. Even the Kent variant is almost beat in the UK.
Lighten up. Twas a slight mickey take
What I don't get about all those saying enough is enough is why their frustration is NOT being taken out where it should be. On those who let the Delta variant take root and spread before action was taken.

THIS is the only reason why we might not open up on the 21st as fully as expected. It was yet another repetition of the same errors made over and over about reacting too late.

Once you do that the responsibility is for others to take but the consequences are for everyone.

Instead of understandable frustration at what I have said for weeks in here will probably be a partial opening up but not the full monty for a few weeks until we get nearer 100% vaccinated and far more of those now catching it (80% UNDER 40 now remember) - focus on who, how and why we let this go as we probably could have avoided it. Or certainly mitigated it enough to not threaten the reopening.

These restrictions have to happen when cases are spiralling out of control. And what matters now - but nobody seems interested in asking or demanding changes over - is HOW this mess was allowed to unfold and absolute steps taken to ensure the next variant - as there will be more until the world is vaccinated (at least a year away) - is not treated so casually and is stopped from taking root here by policies that make sense and are not cavalier like some of the things we seem to do far too often.

Our Covid response is at times a bit like banging your head on the wall, getting a headache, taking pills and feeling bad for a few weeks, then a few weeks later back to banging your head on the wall and being astounded that you get another headache.

Focus on that problem and we really might come out of restrictions faster than we otherwise ever will.

Just expressing frustration at the consequences of these errors is understandable but non productive. Challenge those who keep making them to pay up for doing so.
What I don't get about all those saying enough is enough is why their frustration is NOT being taken out where it should be. On those who let the Delta variant take root and spread before action was taken.

THIS is the only reason why we might not open up on the 21st as fully as expected. It was yet another repetition of the same errors made over and over about reacting too late.

Once you do that the responsibility is for others to take but the consequences are for everyone.

Instead of understandable frustration at what I have said for weeks in here will probably be a partial opening up but not the full monty for a few weeks until we get nearer 100% vaccinated and far more of those now catching it (80% UNDER 40 now remember) - focus on who, how and why we let this go as we probably could have avoided it. Or certainly mitigated it enough to not threaten the reopening.

These restrictions have to happen when cases are spiralling out of control. And what matters now - but nobody seems interested in asking or demanding changes over - is HOW this mess was allowed to unfold and absolute steps taken to ensure the next variant - as there will be more until the world is vaccinated (at least a year away) - is not treated so casually and is stopped from taking root here by policies that make sense and are not cavalier like some of the things we seem to do far too often.

Our Covid response is at times a bit like banging your head on the wall, getting a headache, taking pills and feeling bad for a few weeks, then a few weeks later back to banging your head on the wall and being astounded that you get another headache.

Focus on that problem and we really might come out of restrictions faster than we otherwise ever will.

Just expressing frustration at the consequences of these errors is understandable but non productive. Challenge those who keep making them to pay up for doing so.
Always going exist so no point pretending it won’t and crack on
Latest ONS survey stated around 80% of adults have antibodies now, either through jabs or previous infection.

I'd imagine we'll be at 90% by next month.
We’d had a good run at my school, a few months with no cases then ping ping ping, 3 classes, 90 kids, a third of the school all now isolating for ten days. They absolutely have to have a plan in place for September whereby we can ensure only the index case spends that time out and the rest can test themselves back into school. 70% of our staff are double jabbed, 95% at least one jab. The deleterious effect of missing so much school can’t continue.
We’d had a good run at my school, a few months with no cases then ping ping ping, 3 classes, 90 kids, a third of the school all now isolating for ten days. They absolutely have to have a plan in place for September whereby we can ensure only the index case spends that time out and the rest can test themselves back into school. 70% of our staff are double jabbed, 95% at least one jab. The deleterious effect of missing so much school can’t continue.

no I agree - my 16 year old has just left and is so far behind she will never make it up.
We’d had a good run at my school, a few months with no cases then ping ping ping, 3 classes, 90 kids, a third of the school all now isolating for ten days. They absolutely have to have a plan in place for September whereby we can ensure only the index case spends that time out and the rest can test themselves back into school. 70% of our staff are double jabbed, 95% at least one jab. The deleterious effect of missing so much school can’t continue.

same although we had to pick my son up yesterday as his maths teacher has tested positive so 10 days self isolation for him.
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