Coronavirus (2021) thread

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Surging in Russia now, particularly Moscow, and their data is always suspiciously flat. Biggest daily increase in reported cases since Feb 15
How many are dying of other stuff now though, cancer, suicides etc, if you stopped testing how many would are there actually in hospital with Covid and dying? Anymore than flu in winter ? I’m sorry but Covid will be around forever like flu, we are vaccinating and the vulnerable are all done, we were promised once they were protected we could get on with life, it’s now time to do that. Will people die of Covid in the future, probably but just like other diseases unfortunately that’s a fact of life, enough is enough now.


The number of suicides in April-October 2020, after the first lockdown began, was 121•3 per month, compared to 125•7 per month in January-March 2020 (-4%; 95% CI-19% to 13%, p = 0•59). Incidence rate ratios did not show a significant rise in individual months after lockdown began and were not raised during the 2-month lockdown period April-May 2020 (IRR: 1•01 [0•81–1•25]) or the 5-month period after the easing of lockdown, June-October 2020 (0•94 [0•81–1•09]). Comparison of the suicide rates after lockdown began in 2020 for the same months in selected areas in 2019 showed no difference.

It’ll probably be another 6 months before studies for this early-year’s data come out.
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The impact on mental health is far more than statistics on people topping themselves.

How many people are suffering from depression and anxiety now that didn’t used to?

I’m going to guess a shitload.
Just waiting for confirmation of lockdown extension. Probably be reported to us by Boris from his G7 summit along with grim faced leaders from around the globe in the background . Hoping for an 'open mic' moment with Boris asking Biden to pass him the Bollinger and another cheese and pineapple stick. - Ursula fancy a dance? we can chat about this Irish bollocks at the same time. Oh and we'll tell them in a couple of weeks that lockdown will continue until the world is vaccinated''
What happens when that one more month becomes one more month?
Why would it?

We were told back in March that 21st June isn’t a fixed date.

The furore surrounding this news is as if back in March it was said that “21st June is emphatically and absolutely the one date, the only date, that we will open things back up like normal. We won’t listen to the scientists on this and neither should you.”

Where the idea that 21st June was a fixed date has come from is a mystery. It’s a fabricated notion that 21st June was ever a fixed date. At no point has it been said anywhere that 21st June is the date. In fact, we were told in March that 21st June is a flexible date and that it could very well move depending on the situation at that time.

It’s that time, and there’s a case to say that getting up to a larger number of vaccinations is preferable before we allow gigs and sports events to be open and fully attended.

Having one jab doesn’t mean you’ve been vaccinated for those who are using the 60% figure. 44% of the UK have been vaccinated and it takes around 4 weeks after your second jab until the vaccine efficacy gets to its peak. My Mother is 64 and classed as vulnerable (so much so she had to shield for 12 weeks in 2020) yet she only had her second jab a month ago so there’ll be loads of younger vulnerable people who aren’t at their peak for efficacy yet, and there’ll be loads of people who aren’t vulnerable but are unhealthy (we are a VERY unhealthy nation!) who haven’t had a second jab yet… maybe not even a first for younger fat lazy slobs (of which there are hundreds of thousands!) who this virus could have a huge effect on or kill.

Getting that figure pushing upwards before we open up fully while there’s the Delta variant is rising makes total sense. Worrying about it being pushed back again and again is daft. Once we reach that number (whatever it is) that they’d prefer to be at peak immunity following the vaccine, there’s no reason not to open up. Plus you wouldn’t want to wait too long because a wave after opening up will happen and you don’t want that to happen at a time when Autumn/Winter seasonal viruses start to impact the NHS.

Mid-July is ideal to be honest. It balances those scales between vaccine roll-out, being before the Winter, and in time for the Summer holidays and the footy season.
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