Coronavirus (2021) thread

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You saw the government reaction to public outrage yesterday with an almost immediate volte-face in relation to its ‘isolation pilot scheme’. From the earliest today, the media had been reporting from packed nightclubs and interviewing owners who boasted that they had no intention of enforcing any restrictions, it being entirely the individual’s responsibility. Cue more public outrage. By evening, the government has mooted vaccine passports for nightclubs. Who needs The Thick of It?
Interestingly, some journalist (Fergus something from BBC) asked in the Q & A part of the press conference a question about this, but he did so in a pretty obnoxious way: "....are you effectively giving people an ultimatum, get vaccinated soon or you'll be denied entry to crowded venues?"

Obviously it is that, so what?

Journalists are really pissing me off right now, trying to make trouble all the time & not just on covid stories either. This was obviously his intention, you could tell from the sneering face, when he asked it.
I am sure that they can justify it, however the Beeb's Health Journalists squad is bigger than City's
I don't blame all these youngsters not getting jabbed,,
Statistically they are not likely to die, they will leave the clubs to go home to their double jabbed parents who aren't supposed to be so venerable anymore.. Club owners, and all accociated trades have been treated poorly so this news is not welcome..
I realise if hospitals, icu units end up struggling then something will have to give i see that.. Double jabbed to attend or go anywhere,, glad I don't do much and live in a remote "village"

Thing is, by the time we realise deaths and ICU numbers are an issue, it is far too late.
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