Playing Devil’s advocate, and this is just my opinion and of course I understand if people want to dismiss my comments with a jibe, but….
Personally, I think we are now beyond the point where we need the breakdowns of regional figures, splits within Greater Manchester, regional splits for hospitalisation etc etc.
@Healdplace has done a remarkable job over the last 12/18 months in keeping us updated, I personally still pop into this thread every day to glance read, I feel I’ve moved on from being “addicted” to this thread, but I do think that people don’t take as much notice of the split figures as they used to, certainly no one comments about them.
We are going to be living with covid for a while, maybe forever, and just a nice set of daily stats on the various headline figures, including obviously a country split etc, would be all that i think is now required.
Anyway, just my 2p’s worth.