Coronavirus (2021) thread

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Didn’t see that coming…

Any chance of all restrictions being reversed now?

Milder has been looking very positive for quite a while but good to have more confirmation, but the question mark has been over how much milder, hopefully this report will give a very good indication.

key metric will be how many get hospitalised so we can tell if letting it run would overwhelm hospitals.
Each to there own, but 20 years of my career developing mathematical models for the ONS and the insurance industry tells me they are absolute rubbish.
With 4 waves of evidence (Original, Spanish, Alpha & Delta at hand) they should have refined their models sufficiently such that previous waves hit the median outcome of the models.

They’d argue they did, their October models being a good example. More examples in here -

What they wouldn’t have done is hit anywhere near their worst case scenario modelling, which are the figures that get over reported by the media.
So now, per Israel, people need 4?
The old and vulnerable need a recent vaccination. I wouldn't like to say what the general public need now because viruses mutate and people are still assessing the implications of the latest mutation. Given that the risks of vaccination are so small it makes sense to get vaccinated certainly whilst we are in a pandemic and the threat from the latest strain is being assessed.

Unless you know better than the medical establishment, I'd follow their advice. Hitherto the only people who questioned doctors about medical matters were quacks and witches.
If you're a vaccine sceptic then read these comments from Nicky Barlow who is a sister in a hospital in SE London. This is their experience.

We are very stretched from a nursing point of view, we’ve had lots of sickness due to Covid positive cases and contacts.
The nurses are all very tired because they’re all having to take on a lot more responsibility than they normally would due to the stretched staffing. We’re seeing the majority of patients that are coming in with Covid are not vaccinated and they’re also younger as well this time around. The majority of Covid patients that are coming in aren’t vaccinated. All the patients that have had their vaccine seem to have not as bad symptoms. I would [say] get vaccinated. I’ve been vaccinated, I’ve had my booster, I would encourage all the staff to have their boosters. I think that’s the best thing that we could do.
Anyone ending up in hospital with Covid who hasn't been jabbed should be prosecuted. If, for example, you are involved in a car crash and you or someone else ends up in hospital you can be prosecuted so why can't we do it for these people?
If you're a vaccine sceptic then read these comments from Nicky Barlow who is a sister in a hospital in SE London. This is their experience.
Yeh, so what I hear them say. Guy on R4 last night refused to be vaccinated 'it's my body, I can do what I like with it'.
The old and vulnerable need a recent vaccination. I wouldn't like to say what the general public need now because viruses mutate and people are still assessing the implications of the latest mutation. Given that the risks of vaccination are so small it makes sense to get vaccinated certainly whilst we are in a pandemic and the threat from the latest strain is being assessed.

Unless you know better than the medical establishment, I'd follow their advice. Hitherto the only people who questioned doctors about medical matters were quacks and witches.
Blind faith leads to nowhere.

Question, challenge and make people earn their authority, especially when it comes to public health. That's all most people are doing, asking "why?" and demanding more than "should, might, could" responses.
Silly me.

Still, the next few days should give us all a clearer picture and it’s probably best everyone’s life is disrupted for the next month or so……..must protect the NHS at all costs us plebs!
Should be a GPs job, but that seems to have changed meaning from General Practitioner to General Pleb.

Or is General Pleb Boris's military code name? I always get that muddled up...
Anyone ending up in hospital with Covid who hasn't been jabbed should be prosecuted. If, for example, you are involved in a car crash and you or someone else ends up in hospital you can be prosecuted so why can't we do it for these people?
Because it's not a criminal offence to catch a lab virus and not want something injected into you every 3 months, nor should it be.

Besides, there's no greater sentence than death which I'm sure you're gleeful about as they're not on your team.
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