Coronavirus (2021) thread

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They seem to be deviating a little from the eligibility criteria judging by evidence from family members on here ( can confirm this too).

We might get to hear more about the plan because the BBC news update says that Boris Johnson will be questioned on the rollout by MPs later today.

I get the feeling that the infrastructure is in place but the data that's published each day shows that we are falling behind the numbers we need to reach to get us to 15m first doses by the 15th Feb.

We have vaccinated 2,431,648 people as of the 11th and there are 35 days to the 15th of February so we need to vaccinate 360,000 per day to meet this. We are vaccinating at less than half that at the moment (167k for the latest available data and that included 2nd doses). I think the distribution channel is still under construction, for example, there are pharmacies to come on line. I don't know where the constraint is but I suspect it is batched and verified vaccine supply.

It would be popular no doubt if vaccine delivery went 24/7 but there's no point doing this unless there's supply.

I hope the picture gets clearer today. I think we're all trying to figure out how close we are to getting the vaccine. i would like to know the uptake too. How many who are eligible are taking it up?
Supply is a critical problem for many things, if anyone has been in a supermarket within the last week they'll have seen it. We went to Tesco on Monday afternoon and quite a lot of things had gone, never seen it like that before. Oxygen is also seeing supply issues, probably more due to rapidly increasing demand rather than supply.

I'm not interested in blaming Brexit but that must be at least some factor plus the tight COVID restrictions here and in the other European countries isn't helping. Trying to get something numbering into the millions out per week is extremely difficult when we are slap bang in the middle of the worst wave of COVID.

At the minute it's almost like the virus is fighting back. What's happening in places like Germany is completely unprecedented considering they were relatively untouched in the early pandemic. They've been in lockdown for months yet they are seeing a very high death rate vs cases compared to us. They may have a considerable number more cases though given their testing regime is half the size of ours.

To say something extremely weird things are going on in Europe is an understatement really!
Just got my test results back: Positive.
Of no surprise at all given how I feel and how the symptoms are presenting.
Weird taste in my mouth, dizzy, nauseous, chilled ‘bones’/muscles.
Worse is my throat feels like I’ve been throwing up razor blades. Coughs are rare but painful when they erupt.
Brain fog & weird dreams.

Ive also just started a new job and the guilt is playing heavy on me (they’ve been utterly fantastic about it however).

Get well soon mate. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
On the one hand it's very encouraging to see the infrastructure be put in place but we must maximise it to its full extent.

Longer term (~6 weeks or so), there are 2 more vaccines in the pipeline approaching the end of their phase 3 trials (Jannsen (J&J) and Novavax). If they get approved then please make it 24/7 and get everyone who wants a vaccine, a time slot.
I keep seeing this 24/7 idea touted but where are all of these volunteers supposed to come from for the nightshifts ? Not to mention that we're still in the middle of winter, which luckily has had little effect on travel so far this year.
Just got my test results back: Positive.
Of no surprise at all given how I feel and how the symptoms are presenting.
Weird taste in my mouth, dizzy, nauseous, chilled ‘bones’/muscles.
Worse is my throat feels like I’ve been throwing up razor blades. Coughs are rare but painful when they erupt.
Brain fog & weird dreams.

Ive also just started a new job and the guilt is playing heavy on me (they’ve been utterly fantastic about it however).
All the best to you. Get well soon.
On the one hand it's very encouraging to see the infrastructure be put in place but we must maximise it to its full extent.

Longer term (~6 weeks or so), there are 2 more vaccines in the pipeline approaching the end of their phase 3 trials (Jannsen (J&J) and Novavax). If they get approved then please make it 24/7 and get everyone who wants a vaccine, a time slot.

Agreed, but there has to be better communication from those in charge. They announce approval and that we've orders in place, but that creates the impression that these things are already set and ready to go. It's far more complicated than that, and we're only part of a global demand for a limited, at present, supply.
Any idea as to where you became infected?

Yes. Can only have been the workplace or Morrisons supermarket. Reason that's so clear is because I was at home for 10 days self isolating until last Thursday (had been named as close contact). Since going back out I've literally only been to Morrisons once and been to work a couple of days and managed to catch it somewhere. Why do you ask?

***Of course the alternative but really unlikely option here is that having been named originally as close contact it's just took REALLY long for symptoms to appear, best part of 2 weeks since contact with the infected person. But from what I know that seems a bit on the long side so I figure a lot less likely.
Just got my test results back: Positive.
Of no surprise at all given how I feel and how the symptoms are presenting.
Weird taste in my mouth, dizzy, nauseous, chilled ‘bones’/muscles.
Worse is my throat feels like I’ve been throwing up razor blades. Coughs are rare but painful when they erupt.
Brain fog & weird dreams.

Ive also just started a new job and the guilt is playing heavy on me (they’ve been utterly fantastic about it however).
Get well soon fella. I recall you are a runner based on our exchanges in the running thread. When you are recovered be very cautious about resuming training and take heed of mine and other posts on here on Monday on this subject.
Supply is a critical problem for many things, if anyone has been in a supermarket within the last week they'll have seen it. We went to Tesco on Monday afternoon and quite a lot of things had gone, never seen it like that before. Oxygen is also seeing supply issues, probably more due to rapidly increasing demand rather than supply.

I'm not interested in blaming Brexit but that must be at least some factor plus the tight COVID restrictions here and in the other European countries isn't helping. Trying to get something numbering into the millions out per week is extremely difficult when we are slap bang in the middle of the worst wave of COVID.

At the minute it's almost like the virus is fighting back. What's happening in places like Germany is completely unprecedented considering they were relatively untouched in the early pandemic. They've been in lockdown for months yet they are seeing a very high death rate vs cases compared to us. They may have a considerable number more cases though given their testing regime is half the size of ours.

To say something extremely weird things are going on in Europe is an understatement really!

I think in Europe, particularly the Netherlands/Germany/Belgium, it is recognized that that British variant is already in the community and just waiting to take off. There have already been flare-ups of it in specific communities and despite the prolonged lockdown and general suppression of the virus, there is fear that relaxing measures now will just lead to further chaos. The European press is full of stories about how horrific the situation is in the U.K.

On the supermarket supply issue, I read that many European suppliers are currently unwilling to send stock over (a combination of Brexit/Covid), but whether that is a temporary problem or something that may last much longer is less clear. Given that governments are increasingly talking about tightening restrictions and limiting transport, it may go on much longer. Dig for Britain...
What's happening in places like Germany is completely unprecedented considering they were relatively untouched in the early pandemic. They've been in lockdown for months yet they are seeing a very high death rate vs cases compared to us

German death rate is below ours
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