Coronavirus (2021) thread

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It’s not all been plain sailing. My daughter, 18, signed up but explained she had no car. They said no probs, we are desperate for young people, get a cab there and back. I was there the week before for my appointment and double checked this information. So she has now done 3 visits via taxi, £90 out of pocket and hasn’t been paid. They keep asking her to send more information. She lives at home, so she’s not going to starve, but £90 for some people is a lot of money to stand. I’m there next week and will be having strong words!!
Sounds about right, I was told they'd reimburse costs & give me £50 but as I never started that didn't happen....all my wife has had is fuel money when driving down.
It does seem that the oldies are brushing it off. My parents in their 80s were fine. NHS family members who’ve had it, in their 50s, are rough.
Interesting that. Wonder if it's anything to do with exposure to similar viruses pre-sixties?

Or something in Werther's Originals?
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It does seem that the oldies are brushing it off. My parents in their 80s were fine. NHS family members who’ve had it, in their 50s, are rough.
The nurse who interviewed us said as much, warned us that we’d more than likely have side effects due to our age. We’re both early 40’s, going downhill fast today, feel shocking!
Possibly off topic this but Mrs Gaz has had to self isolate for 10 days (ending tonight) due to her phone being within 2 metres of our covid positive next door neighbours overnight (through the wall were not that close to them) anyway I digress, her work have said she needs to return a negative test result in order to go back in on Monday

1) can they do this?
2) can I take her in the car to a drive in test centre?

No idea about 1, but 2 is very easily done. Just book one online. You'll probably get a slot almost immediately, and results back within 24 hours
ion sI just read an article in the Times (paywall so won't link) about the UK vaccine procurement team led by Kate Bingham. They were clearly far more agile and professional than the EU team, which was led by the equivalent of a parish councillor from Cyprus whose career to date consisted of fuck all. Bingham has had a long and extremely successful career in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors and she gathered a like minded team around her.

She said her brief from Boris Johnson was simply to save lives and they have done an amazing job of maximising our chances of obtaining working vaccines and securing supplies. She's done it without accepting any renumeration too.
At the end of this there will be self serving politicians of every party slapping one another on the back as heroes getting knighthoods etc.

I hope that the ones who really get rewarded are people like her. She has clearly done a job far better than we could have expected. And undoubtedly saved many lives.

If she is not rewarded for that and some hack or toady who did as they were told is then the honours system needs binning and the public given the option on who deserves the real honours for their service to the community. Not their service to political parties.
One thing I’ve definitely noticed is a reduced number of ambulances whizzing past my house over the last week. Was usually maybe 3/4 per day whereas now it’s probably 1.
Makes sense given the 3000 fall in Covid patients in England in past 7 days as of last night's numbers.

We might be under 30,000 today if that continues for first time in weeks.
The nurse who interviewed us said as much, warned us that we’d more than likely have side effects due to our age. We’re both early 40’s, going downhill fast today, feel shocking!
Keep us updated mate and hope it passes quickly.
Most likely this difference in reaction to the vaccine is down to the body's immune system. It wanes as you get older. That is why the older you are the more serious Covid is to your body as the immune system reacts less powerfully towards it. And younger ones tended to have that over reaction in rare cases that took doctors by surprise.

So having the vaccine will trigger your immune system to be on guard and that might well manifest more obviously if your immune system is strong and primed to be on guard.

Plus, of course, the over 60s are used to the flu vaccine and/or pneumonia vaccine every year so their bodies have experience of regularly being put on alert in this way. The younger you are the longer it might be since your immune system ever faced this kind of inoculation.

Just a guess. Not science. But seems to make sense.

From over 20 years of annual jabs I take mild side effects as good news not bad. It means your body has recognised the vaccine and responded to it and is on alert. That is the whole point, If it ignores it then you might worry.

I will let you know how different this feels as and when they ever get round to the 65 - 70 year group. Hoping it will be before I actually am in the 70 to 75 group. But the EU might have a say in that if this row continues.
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