Coronavirus (2022) thread

Social Media has provided a public platform for so many of those people who used to be the crackpots in the pub you would avoid or the loons you always used to sit next to on the bus. It is alarming how many disturbed people there are out there.

10-15 years ago these cranks would be shouting at bus stops with a megaphone or dishing out hand scrawled photocopies of their manifesto to change the world in Piccadilly Gardens, and nobody would pay attention.

Now these twats have Facebook pages and everyone's got a thick/gullible aunty who falls for it.

The sooner these platforms are shut down for good or at least properly regulated, the better. This shit caused a mentally deranged reality TV star to become president, and the breakup of the European Union for fuck sake.

Not that it'll ever happen. Too much money involved.
I read recently that Pfizer are preparing to launch a vaccine dedicated to Omn which is due in March, is this what you think will be available?

Clinical trial only just starting.

Whether this is ever launched is an open question - current vaccines against the original strain give good protection against omicron *and* all other variants.

It remains to be seen how much better an omicron variant vaccine is against omicron, and if it's less effective against other variants.

I would guess it's very unlikely this will be rolled out until next winter, and perhaps only then if there's a new, worse variant post-omicron that has evolved from omicron (Omicron didn't evolve from Delta, it came from earlier variants)

Just personal speculation.

10-15 years ago these cranks would be shouting at bus stops with a megaphone or dishing out hand scrawled photocopies of their manifesto to change the world in Piccadilly Gardens, and nobody would pay attention.

Now these twats have Facebook pages and everyone's got a thick/gullible aunty who falls for it.

The sooner these platforms are shut down for good or at least properly regulated, the better. This shit caused a mentally deranged reality TV star to become president, and the breakup of the European Union for fuck sake.

Not that it'll ever happen. Too much money involved.
I am not sure regulation is possible. The crazies will always exist. What concerns me most is how gullible so many apparently sane people are with any published information. They seem incapable of taking a balanced and measured view on any issue. People like to adopt partisan positions on every subject but the truth of most issues usually lies in the middle. My brother, a teacher, blames the education system.
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Interesting report at how being vaccinated and catching covid, either before or after vaccination, gives super immunity.

That’s why I’m not planning on having my booster. Double jabbed and caught covid since, already in the very low risk zone so don’t feel I need it. The science agrees.
That’s why I’m not planning on having my booster. Double jabbed and caught covid since, already in the very low risk zone so don’t feel I need it. The science agrees.

I've had three jabs and presently self isolating after testing positive on Sunday after returning from holiday. It feels like flu at the moment and I'm very tired but aside from that not too bad.

10-15 years ago these cranks would be shouting at bus stops with a megaphone or dishing out hand scrawled photocopies of their manifesto to change the world in Piccadilly Gardens, and nobody would pay attention.

Now these twats have Facebook pages and everyone's got a thick/gullible aunty who falls for it.

The sooner these platforms are shut down for good or at least properly regulated, the better. This shit caused a mentally deranged reality TV star to become president, and the breakup of the European Union for fuck sake.

Not that it'll ever happen. Too much money involved.

People who take very strong views that go against most people's beliefs have always existed, but as you rightly say the internet gives them a wider voice and allows them to connect. Having a lying corrupt government that made rules for people's safety but basically totally ignored them just adds fuel to their fire.
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That’s why I’m not planning on having my booster. Double jabbed and caught covid since, already in the very low risk zone so don’t feel I need it. The science agrees.
Absolutely your right but wouldn't expect to be going abroad later in the year when I believe fully vaccinated includes the booster
I read recently that Pfizer are preparing to launch a vaccine dedicated to Omn which is due in March, is this what you think will be available?
I just read a general comment to that effect when the booster was first launched. No specific knowledge.

10-15 years ago these cranks would be shouting at bus stops with a megaphone or dishing out hand scrawled photocopies of their manifesto to change the world in Piccadilly Gardens, and nobody would pay attention.

Now these twats have Facebook pages and everyone's got a thick/gullible aunty who falls for it.

The sooner these platforms are shut down for good or at least properly regulated, the better. This shit caused a mentally deranged reality TV star to become president, and the breakup of the European Union for fuck sake.

Not that it'll ever happen. Too much money involved.
SM is like everything else, you can't disinvent it. They can never be shut down, like the hydra a new one will appear to take its place. Regulation will never be effective because, as you say, money will rule that out and unregulated new sources will keep appearing. Education is our best weapon and kids should be taught at an early age to treat SM with a pinch of salt.
But, but plenty of good SM around, like er...... BLUEMOON, although we have our idiots too!

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