Coronavirus (2022) thread

Looks like they’re binning the mandatory vaccines for NHS and care home staff, which is a great result.
It's a sad indictment of the stupidity of so many people who refused to protect themselves and others during the phase of the pandemic when it would have made a difference. I hope they all feel proud of themselves that they believe that their stance has been vindicated. In reality this has happened because the virus has mutated to a form that is much less lethal, but they didn't know this was going to happen when they decided to put those under their care at additional risk over the last year.
Tour de force from John Burn Murdoch reviewing the impact of vaccination on the epidemic. Well worth a read.

Wow, that stat a fully vaxxed 80 year old has the same risk of death as an unvaxxed 50 year old should be on every news leader.

But probably will not be.

If anything should wake up the anti vaxxers that might. It is a gigantic swing in risk given the age driven nature of Covid. And says everything about why the vaccines matter for everyone and are not much of a choice to the even modestly wise.
Also how if we had only done as well as the US in vacccinations not as well as we have we would have seen a wave this Winter not much less bad than last January in terms of patients in hospital.

We actually never even got to half the pre vaccine levels Winter to Winter and ventilators were about a fifth at peak.And deaths not dissimilar.

These numbers would all have been a lot worse if our vaccine programme had not been as good.

I seriously hope these differences will show countries that have a personal choice health care system why a national health service truly saves lives. I think it is THE single best thing that came out of the disaster of World War Two in the UK and hope that Covid results in a similar ripple across the world.
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Also that thread seems to say the booster programme has been the big reason the Omicron wave has been below so many predictions here. Not just its milder nature. By sheer numbers without the success of the boosters we would have likely had more patients in hospital than the near 40K we had in Jan 2021 - which would have stretched the NHS a lot more than has occurred this mid Winter.
But they also caution we got lucky with Omicron being milder. And if the next variant comes from Delta we might not be next time round. Again this stresses why we really have to get our act together on vaccinating the planet as otherwise we are sleepwalking into the premiere of Covid 2 - The Doomsday Variant - at some upcoming point.

How about these multi billionaires who love funding toy spaceships to fly octogenerian actors into orbit put some money into a rapid global vaccination exercise mobilising the youth of the wider world to volunteer help. The anti vaxxers will be first in line as they have no fear of catching Covid in a foreign land rife with it presumably.
Another key stat in that report - Omicron plus the vaccines has reduced the death rate to about 2 x Flu but because it is about 5 x more infectious that still evens out at being over twice as much more serious as flu in cases and deaths. So it is not reduced to just flu as many are saying.

Making the need to vaccinate everyone even more urgent and we will never be free of Covid in any significant way unless and until we get as many of the holdouts against being vaccinated to do so. Evidence globally says they are in large numbers the ones getting most sick and going into hospital now even with Omicron and will likely in future be the ones causing it to come back and possibly mutate into something worse by chance.

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