Coronavirus (2022) thread

Another key stat in that report - Omicron plus the vaccines has reduced the death rate to about 2 x Flu but because it is about 5 x more infectious that still evens out at being over twice as much more serious as flu in cases and deaths. So it is not reduced to just flu as many are saying.

Making the need to vaccinate everyone even more urgent and we will never be free of Covid in any significant way unless and until we get as many of the holdouts against being vaccinated to do so. Evidence globally says they are in large numbers the ones getting most sick and going into hospital now even with Omicron and will likely in future be the ones causing it to come back and possibly mutate into something worse by chance.
Let's see death figures in March before making that claim. 2/3 of yearly flu deaths occur Dec-Mar in the UK with the higher infection rate of Omicron and quicker rise and fall of cases within 2 and a bit months it might equate to average flu overall.
The inclusion of the reinfection numbers have added thousands of cases to everywhere today. Not going to be much straight comparisons possible.

Seems a good place to stop counting cases. Maybe why they did this.

Either way technically there were 112,458 UK cases today - up from 92,368 yesterday & from 94,326 last week

But we have no idea if those would have been up or down if last weeks numbers had added in reinfections so I do not get why they have done this right now. It simply erodes whatever was left of the point of counting cases.

Only the hospital numbers matter now. And they were good today. So these big case rises. Meh! Going to stop reporting them now I think.

UK Deaths were 219 - but they have changed that too.


This means that from 1 February 2022 deaths will be reported using the new episode-based case definition in England, including deaths following possible reinfections. From this point, reported deaths in people with COVID-19 (within 28 or 60 days of positive test) are considered from the first positive specimen date of the most recent episode of infection, rather than an individual’s first ever positive specimen date.
The change in the way deaths are counted as Covid has added 1087 extra deaths to the England total overall today. Minus whatever of todays were / were not extra ones.
The change in the way deaths are counted as Covid has added 1087 extra deaths to the England total overall today. Minus whatever of todays were / were not extra ones.
So we are down to numbers in hospital and numbers requiring ventilators as the only unchanged measures of how comparatively good or bad things are?
So we are down to numbers in hospital and numbers requiring ventilators as the only unchanged measures of how comparatively good or bad things are?
Seems so.

Though they could redefine as being on a type of ventilator when you go to the beach with a snorkle attached and then test positive. That way you can put the numbers up and down within an hour or two.

Would not seem much dafter than some of the things they are doing right now.

Hindsight's a wonderful thing but this was there for all to see. A real, live, Diamond Princess moment. We all saw it unfold, on here. We were watching.
A big thank you has to go out to the South African medical community for immediately alerting the world to this.
It's proving to be the sneeze that may have saved the world.

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