Coronavirus (2022) thread


UK records highest number of daily Covid deaths since last February​

The UK has recorded the highest number of Covid-related deaths since February 23 last year.

A total of 534 people were reported to have died within 28 days of a positive test today.

A total of 88,085 new cases were also recorded in the latest 24 hours.

The new data does not include cases, tests and deaths in Scotland due to a ‘technical issue’ with Public Health Scotland. These figures will be ‘added to a future update’.

It compares with 219 deaths and 112,458 cases reported by the Department of Health yesterday.

Despite a fall in infection rates, cases remain at high levels as coronavirus hits young people, recent ONS figures suggest.

That was all over the net when I looked. This is why it mattered to be clear on reasons or scare tactics like these would be used to bring readers. They mention everything that was up there from Gov UK (even the missing 3000 or so cases from Scotland) but not the reason why the UK deaths were so high.​

Hopefully they have updated their story. But this is why it mattered.​

I gave you what the sun said explaining it yesterday , i dare say more reputable papers than the metro explained it
Denmark ends pandemic..

I realise its semantics but no 1 country can declare the end of a pandemic, its a global event. the WHO declared it( triggering the ability for lots of countries to trigger plans etc ) and the WHO are the ones that will say its over.

All the Danes have done is the same as us, ended there restrictions.
I gave you what the sun said explaining it yesterday , i dare say more reputable papers than the metro explained it
Some did, some did not. Some changed their stories later after initially thinking the rise was real.

My point was - and remains - that the changes without clear explanation to lead reporters to understand the headline numbers and cause for the sudden jump had not been properly signalled as they rushed to press with headlines.

It later was made clear so they obviously saw themselves that it was causing a problem of perception.

You seem to think I am gunning for the media. Not on this. I felt the changes were made at the wrong moment (there is no good reason they could not have been left a week or two given they were retrospective by some long time).And the big jump should have been immediately flagged up by Gov UK yesterday as they surely knew the big add on held over from the day before would look to any reporter to be a sudden increase if they were not aware of why this had happened.

It was simply an error. They happen. It was corrected. I am OK with that.
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As I said in the data thread, the best news emanating from the stats is the almost sheer fall off in critical care admissions for covid. That’s not to say people won’t go to hospital, or that there won’t be deaths but, with the CFR of this thing is now as close to seasonal flu as makes no difference, hopefully we can all start getting on with living again.
As I said in the data thread, the best news emanating from the stats is the almost sheer fall off in critical care admissions for covid. That’s not to say people won’t go to hospital, or that there won’t be deaths but, with the CFR of this thing is now as close to seasonal flu as makes no difference, hopefully we can all start getting on with living again.

As I said there I agree it is. Been charting the extraordinary drop day to day.

Here are some numbers I posted yesterday for any who missed them in a bigger post They explain why things are going so well and deaths are now falling. Despite what look like high case numbers.

Cases are just numbers if they do not translate much further than that.

The fewest number on ventilators in England since 11 July.

The other nations also have spectacular falls like this too.

Scotland on just 28, Wales 11 and Northern Ireland 10 - all have dropped a lot in the past three weeks.

This means under 500 on ventilators in the whole UK (481 today) for first time in 7 months.

There were 3635 on ventilators in the UK on 2 Feb 2021.

We are indeed in a very different place as you say.
The distrust of South African data was misguided as it turned out but somewhat understandable to a degree given the different population dynamics between there and the UK. Far fewer older people who were always going to be the test so far as serious illness and death was concerned.

The icu and ventilator drop was indeed clearly at least partly down to the different behaviour of Omicron as it has happened everywhere else since. But to be fair to the modellers they could not know for sure that was the reason until a country like the UK could be compared with one like South Africa.

I think we reacted quite quickly here to the rapid awareness that SA data was translating to the UK and this is why we in effect were able to have a pretty normal Christmas that some places more cautiously did not.

US army to discharge soldiers who refuse COVID jab​

The US army has said it will immediately begin separating soldiers from the service who refuse to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
The order applies to regular army soldiers, reservists on certain active duty and cadets - unless they have a valid exemption - the force said in a statement.

Will we follow suit ?
Have we even got an army?
Of course, but that is not why this was wrong and should be pointed out.

The number is way over the real one for today which would have been reported and that will be under 300. They are not explaining why it is so high and such a jump. So it will be reported as the highest since last winter when I am about 99% certain it is not.

I do not buy the conspiracy theories but you need the data to report things as they are not a false perception of what they are right now. As it determines how people react.

We were doing that until they decided to change everything in the middle of a wave and it is clearly confusing everybody - including themselves.

Because I am all but certain these are ones they missed somewhere and are adding on in one lump when they are likely spread over some time. So there is no jump at all. It just looks like it and that should have been clarified before the media reported.
Probably the end of month catch up of deaths that happened during the previous month. It happens to some degree every month.
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Well after the little lad had covid 10 days ago yet was only Ill for 24 hours, my girlfriend then tested positive early Monday morning, she’s been rough as fuck with it, terrible cough and can’t lie down properly due to the way it’s making her feel. Guessing it’ll be me at some point, still testing negative though so fingers crossed.
I’ve been ill for over two weeks now and have been off work for that long. I was very rough with it.

I’m going into work tomorrow to see how I feel for one day. Despite the Covid feeling like it’s slowly going (not coughing and sneezing as much, not as hot, taste+smell slowly coming back), I feel like I’ve got a bad hangover all the time and I’m still weak and achy all over. I’ve also lost a fair bit of fat/water weight.

I was with my parents the day I tested positive (was with them in the day and tested positive at night) for about four hours and neither of them have had it! Hopefully you’ll be able to stay clear n’all. Hopefully the missus gets back feeling well soon!

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