Coronavirus (2022) thread

Time to get rid of the clearly politically motivated people

Modeling is done by academic groups, not directly by SAGE.

You're suggesting that epidemiologists ar imperial college, Warwick University and the London School of Hygiene and tropical medicine are Marxists, fix their models according to Trotsky's dictum of perpetual revolution and should be purged to the gulag?

Get a grip.
Glad they have made this clear now. That is all I was trying to get across.

I was not bothered about anyone calling me out over it.

I just wanted it to be clear this was an artefact as I had already seen one TV report soon after the numbers came out sayng these were the highest death numbers on a day in months. Which was technically true but was not the true story. And their reporting has now changed so the message did ultimately get through.
Even better news is that the hospital numbers in England are very good again today:

Admissions (Monday)- when if you recall patient numbers rose by 340 -

1451 V 1593 last week AND V 1808 the Monday before

NW 211 V 252 V 310

The rest below is from today not Monday:-

Patients down 319 to 12,577 V 13,948 last Wednesday.

South East & South West were both up today. The other regions all fell.

North West fell by the most - 120 - to go sub 2000 on 1940.

Ventilators after being flat yesterday resumed the fall - they have not gone up in a day now for 17 days.

Fell by 17 to 432. North West down 6 to 46. Only London on 158 is higher than 76.

These are the fewest number on ventilators in England since 11 July.

The other nations also have spectacular falls like this.

Scotland on just 28, Wales 11 and Northern Ireland 10 - all have dropped a lot in the past three weeks.

This means under 500 on ventilators in the whole UK (481 today) for first time in 7 months.

There were 3635 on ventilators in the UK on 2 Feb 2021.
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I am not the media. Nor am I blaming the media every day. And not even doing so today. They report what they were told. The blame here is on that being mislreading and not being put in context to them as it should have been. I expect they will do so as it is being widely reported now as the worst numbers in months when that is misleading and they will realise that they should have explained why before releasing.

Deaths are now falling. Not rising. That is the message that should be going out. This data glitch suggests the opposite. That was all I am saying.
There is a very useful ignore option on this forum!
There is a very useful ignore option on this forum!
Thank you for the suggestion - but I will never block anyone on principle. If I am going to expect my words to be listened to then it is only right that I should give the same courtesy to everyone else. I may choose to disagree but I will never choose not to listen.

Probably why I gave up on Twitter as everybody blocks everyone there if they do not agree with them - making conversations increasingly dumb and often incomprehensible.
I will never block anyone on principle. If I am going to expect my words to be listened to then it is only right that I should give the same courtesy to everyone else. I may choose to disagree but I will never choose not to listen.

Probably why I gave up on Twitter as everybody blocks everyone there they do not agree with making conversations increasingly dumb and often incomprehensible.
That's fair enough and of course a personal choice.

Being bombarded with incoherent nonsense could be the exception to the rule though...
That's fair enough and of course a personal choice.

Being bombarded with incoherent nonsense could be the exception to the rule though...
In my life I long since got used to that even before the internet. When you have bamboozled Patrick Moore on BBC Breakfast and outquipped James Whale on his chat show you soon see the virtue of listening and then hoping to respond with a bit more sense the audience might remember more than if you just shut debate down.

It does not always work. I do get stuff wrong sometimes. And obviously more difficult here given the sobriety and calibre of the posters than when faced with Patrick Gobbledegook Moore.

UK records highest number of daily Covid deaths since last February​

The UK has recorded the highest number of Covid-related deaths since February 23 last year.

A total of 534 people were reported to have died within 28 days of a positive test today.

A total of 88,085 new cases were also recorded in the latest 24 hours.

The new data does not include cases, tests and deaths in Scotland due to a ‘technical issue’ with Public Health Scotland. These figures will be ‘added to a future update’.

It compares with 219 deaths and 112,458 cases reported by the Department of Health yesterday.

Despite a fall in infection rates, cases remain at high levels as coronavirus hits young people, recent ONS figures suggest.

That was all over the net when I looked. This is why it mattered to be clear on reasons or scare tactics like these would be used to bring readers. They mention everything that was up there from Gov UK (even the missing 3000 or so cases from Scotland) but not the reason why the UK deaths were so high.​

Hopefully they have updated their story. But this is why it mattered.​

Well after the little lad had covid 10 days ago yet was only Ill for 24 hours, my girlfriend then tested positive early Monday morning, she’s been rough as fuck with it, terrible cough and can’t lie down properly due to the way it’s making her feel. Guessing it’ll be me at some point, still testing negative though so fingers crossed.
Well after the little lad had covid 10 days ago yet was only Ill for 24 hours, my girlfriend then tested positive early Monday morning, she’s been rough as fuck with it, terrible cough and can’t lie down properly due to the way it’s making her feel. Guessing it’ll be me at some point, still testing negative though so fingers crossed.

Hope she pulls through ok buddy.

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