Coronavirus (2022) thread

The more you go out of your way to look for something, the more you find it.

Humans are very good at this. It's why we see faces in clouds, or in this case connect dots which aren't really there.
There's been an alarming increase in the number of 'medical emergencies' at football games recently.

Have you any data or is that a guess based on an issue that could well be amplified?

People like Matt Le Tissier come out with this kind of stuff on a regular basis. He literally announces every death and heart related issue suffered by current footballers, footballers recently retired and supporters attending matches. This is across professional and semi professional football.

He thinks he is being noble and wise by sharing his knowledge and insight. In his own mind, he has discovered an issue that no-one else has really considered and because he gets lots of likes and retweets (from equally stupid people) it provides him with self-validation and spurs him on.

His tweets/ramblings (often written as non definitive statements but it is clear what point he is trying to get across) are often written with the intention of being vague or open-ended but it is clear what he is saying. I would suggest his tweets are discouraging people from taking the vaccine. He is irresponsible, foolish and dangerous.

He also seems to be branching out and following the other 'educated by Facebook' morons on other issues. Not a surprise as many of his followers are far right morons. It honestly would not surprise me if he ends up having a slot on GB News and being one of the main faces in the reboot of UKIP.
Surely these football emergencies - the ones in the crowd at least - happened from time to time but never stopped the game so were likely far less reported in the commentary with cameras focused onto them.

We have just upped the caution level - rightly - likely regardless of Covid - given the policy to fit defibrilators that save lives - and suspending the game - thus the likelihood the crowd will block use of these fast enough to save lives is simply a wise new policy and common sense life saving. Hence not having hundreds jumping up and down whilst the emergency services go into action in the midst of them.

The event in the Euros will have focused attention on the pitch too with the wider access to rapid help. No chances being taken. So good that things have moved on here too since 2003 as all City fans should realise.
Have you any data or is that a guess based on an issue that could well be amplified?

People like Matt Le Tissier come out with this kind of stuff on a regular basis. He literally announces every death and heart related issue suffered by current footballers, footballers recently retired and supporters attending matches. This is across professional and semi professional football.

He thinks he is being noble and wise by sharing his knowledge and insight. In his own mind, he has discovered an issue that no-one else has really considered and because he gets lots of likes and retweets (from equally stupid people) it provides him with self-validation and spurs him on.

His tweets/ramblings (often written as non definitive statements but it is clear what point he is trying to get across) are often written with the intention of being vague or open-ended but it is clear what he is saying. I would suggest his tweets are discouraging people from taking the vaccine. He is irresponsible, foolish and dangerous.

He also seems to be branching out and following the other 'educated by Facebook' morons on other issues. Not a surprise as many of his followers are far right morons. It honestly would not surprise me if he ends up having a slot on GB News and being one of the main faces in the reboot of UKIP.
I’m not aware of a game stopping at the Etihad for a medical emergency and I guess that’s Over 20 million people through the turnstiles.

If there has been more medical emergencies at football grounds then a more likely factor might be fewer people going g to their GPs for check ups etc
As observed by others, you need to be extremely careful assessing whether the real level of cardiac issues in spectators or players has changed over time, or if the *reporting* of it has changed. I'm not aware of any reputable research on this, but it could well exist somewhere.

Then, even if it has changed, need to understand why. *If* it is COVID related, it's overwhelmingly likely to be associated with infection rather than vaccination, given what we know of the relative risks from very well controlled clinical trials and extensive real world evidence.
As observed by others, you need to be extremely careful assessing whether the real level of cardiac issues in spectators or players has changed over time, or if the *reporting* of it has changed. I'm not aware of any reputable research on this, but it could well exist somewhere.

Then, even if it has changed, need to understand why. *If* it is COVID related, it's overwhelmingly likely to be associated with infection rather than vaccination, given what we know of the relative risks from very well controlled clinical trials and extensive real world evidence.
I think the much easier access to defibrillator's has played a big part in the visibility of these issues too. It's now pretty well known that there is one next to every dugout.
There's been an alarming increase in the number of 'medical emergencies' at football games recently. I remember the odd one before the pandemic, but now it seems like they're occurring monthly (if not more frequently).

Some non-vaccinated friends of mine used it as anecdotal evidence as to why they shouldn't get the vaccine - "it can cause heart attacks which is why so many people have them now".

I've tried to counter the point by saying it's likely that COVID itself is causing the rise (as we know it affects the lungs/heart) rather than the vaccines - but they didn't want to hear it.

Is there any articles/papers that go into detail about what's happening?

I was chatting to a guy recently who had been match commander for hundreds of matches over the years and these medical incidents have always happened so many times you wouldn’t believe. However, the difference now is they stop the game every time and so everyone thinks it’s a sudden new phenomenon simply because attention is now drawn to it every time.
I was chatting to a guy recently who had been match commander for hundreds of matches over the years and these medical incidents have always happened so many times you wouldn’t believe. However, the difference now is they stop the game every time and so everyone thinks it’s a sudden new phenomenon simply because attention is now drawn to it every time.
I provided matchday medical cover for 13 years,MI's and cardiac arrests obviously and unfortunately happened, but they were by no means a regular occurrence.

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