Coronavirus: Football Discussion Thread

Sincere apologies if I understandably upset a lot of people. And I really do mean sincere. I work for an American owned company and have been there 34 years. In my current role as Operations Director, I have responsibility for C. 2,500 people. I have not long finished Google Hangout meetings with my bosses in America that are adamant I immediately implement redundancy programmes. It does not matter what we believe should be done in terms of furlough schemes, they remain to be convinced that demand will increase quickly enough to support their introduction. As all I am saying is we need to get a balanced view. Yes, what is happening is horrific, but the longer term consequences may be more so. I have a consultant friend whom is absolutely clear when he says the death rate from bronchitis, phemonia and influenza over the 4 weeks in November 2019 was a lot higher than he has seen in the last 4 weeks at his hospital in a city with a population of 265,000. I am not sure where the death rate is going to top out here, like anybody else, but I firmly believe we will see a death rate from suicide of around 60,000 over the next 12 rolling months, which is around 10 fold what we see today. Hope I am completely wrong however. Oh and by the way, I am not a thick c*** by the way, I mave a 2.1 masters and an MBA, just really worried about all the employees and their families I have befriended over the last 34 years. I await what my American leaders direct me to do tomorrow and will try and defend to the hilt before I go out and clap the NHS.
Can we not just ban this daft ****? Peddling this bollocks about flu etc? Scouse blue - take me up on my offer; get down to your local hospital and get washing the sheets. You'll be fine, no worse than bronchitis. Go on. Go for it. You'll be fine. You've a 2:1 masters. Fucking marvellous. Let's continue the Top Trumps whilst you're here, I've a 1st in modern languages. And a doctorate in spotting thick ****s. Do one. Thick ****.
Can we not just ban this daft ****? Peddling this bollocks about flu etc? Scouse blue - take me up on my offer; get down to your local hospital and get washing the sheets. You'll be fine, no worse than bronchitis. Go on. Go for it. You'll be fine. You've a 2:1 masters. Fucking marvellous. Let's continue the Top Trumps whilst you're here, I've a 1st in modern languages. And a doctorate in spotting thick ****s. Do one. Thick ****.

You are unreal. Ban me. Check how long I have been a member and my post history. Or perhaps we should let other members judge I have 4 step-daughters and one son. 2 of my step daughters work in care homes and one is a sister in the local hospital. I am fully aware of what is going on on a daily basis. I am just concerned what they are going to do for a living when this is all under control. Huge cuts across all organisations including the NHS The economy will be unsustainable. Please stop the swearing and I hope you and your family stay safe
You are unreal. Ban me. Check how long I have been a member and my post history. Or perhaps we should let other members judge I have 4 step-daughters and one son. 2 of my step daughters work in care homes and one is a sister in the local hospital. I am fully aware of what is going on on a daily basis. I am just concerned what they are going to do for a living when this is all under control. Huge cuts across all organisations including the NHS The economy will be unsustainable. Please stop the swearing and I hope you and your family stay safe
Let's see what you said earlier thgis week:
"Never thought I'd say this, because I have lived and breathed City every minute for most of my long life to date. However I am not missing football or the club I love one jot. And (never start a sentence with and), I am a Covid sceptic in as much as (fortunately I know no one personally affected in my extended family/work colleagues, and personally think that we live in a society of press sensensalisation ) I think we will have much more serious consequences in the long term due to our economic position. I am ready and fully understand any negative replies to my thoughts. Stay safe all and maybe my love will return one day. "
Let other members judge what you say? "I am a Covid sceptic". Let the judging begin...
Let's see what you said earlier thgis week:
"Never thought I'd say this, because I have lived and breathed City every minute for most of my long life to date. However I am not missing football or the club I love one jot. And (never start a sentence with and), I am a Covid sceptic in as much as (fortunately I know no one personally affected in my extended family/work colleagues, and personally think that we live in a society of press sensensalisation ) I think we will have much more serious consequences in the long term due to our economic position. I am ready and fully understand any negative replies to my thoughts. Stay safe all and maybe my love will return one day. "
Let other members judge what you say? "I am a Covid sceptic". Let the judging begin...

How about this:
We organise a conference call, Google Hangouts, MS meet, Zoom etc with my 3 step daughters (work rota's may take some organising), and whomever you would like to involve.
I know it's incredibly upsetting at the moment, and dependant upon geographical region varying, but all I am saying is what we are seeing and experiencing today and for the last 4/6 weeks is nothing compared to our fears for the future. We as nation need to take a step back, look at all the facts, and take a balanced view on what we need to do. I don't want to fall out with you Johnny, especially as a fellow blue. Are you up for this tomorrow /Friday dependant upon what we can organise?
How about this:
We organise a conference call, Google Hangouts, MS meet, Zoom etc with my 3 step daughters (work rota's may take some organising), and whomever you would like to involve.
I know it's incredibly upsetting at the moment, and dependant upon geographical region varying, but all I am saying is what we are seeing and experiencing today and for the last 4/6 weeks is nothing compared to our fears for the future. We as nation need to take a step back, look at all the facts, and take a balanced view on what we need to do. I don't want to fall out with you Johnny, especially as a fellow blue. Are you up for this tomorrow /Friday dependant upon what we can organise?

How can you say you know no one personally affected and then in the next post mention your children work in care homes and hospitals? How can they not be affected? There must be body bags everywhere.
How can you say you know no one personally affected and then in the next post mention your children work in care homes and hospitals? How can they not be affected? There must be body bags everywhere.

That's my point. No. Both care homes have no Covid related deaths so far. Only small but all the same. 40 Covid related deaths across both hospitals my step daughter is linked too. Very sad., but population approx 500,000 Where are you getting 'body bags everywhere' personal experience, or what you see in the media. Don't mean to be rude.
How about this:
We organise a conference call, Google Hangouts, MS meet, Zoom etc with my 3 step daughters (work rota's may take some organising), and whomever you would like to involve.
I know it's incredibly upsetting at the moment, and dependant upon geographical region varying, but all I am saying is what we are seeing and experiencing today and for the last 4/6 weeks is nothing compared to our fears for the future. We as nation need to take a step back, look at all the facts, and take a balanced view on what we need to do. I don't want to fall out with you Johnny, especially as a fellow blue. Are you up for this tomorrow /Friday dependant upon what we can organise?
You've nailed your colours to the sceptic mast. You said you don't know anyone affected and that we live in a "society of press sensualisation". I could have debated that. But you can't spell dependent correctly. And you think plurals need an apostrophe (rota's). I'll have to give you and your 2:1 Masters a miss.
That's my point. No. Both care homes have no Covid related deaths so far. Only small but all the same. 40 Covid related deaths across both hospitals my step daughter is linked too. Very sad., but population approx 500,000 Where are you getting 'body bags everywhere' personal experience, or what you see in the media. Don't mean to be rude.

Well I know 2 people who have died due to it and I am currently locked away at home. I have not been able to leave my house for 4 weeks and I am stuck here for another 8 weeks. The NHS are not telling me not to leave the house and to have no personal contact for no good reason.

The measures put in place are to save lives. Yes they are going to hurt the economy, but if no measures had been put in place and we had hundreds of thousands dead rather than the current 10K, the economy would never have survived anyway. No one would go out, no would would spend any money and the whole system would shut down.

Just because it has not personally affected you yet does not mean this is not a very dangerous situation. Hopefully it will not have an adverse effect on anyone you know or love. But please do me a favour, engage your brain. The people under playing this situation cause far more damage than the ones who over react.
i do not want to 'like' this post, it doesn't seem appropriate . The only like is that your daughter hopefully has immunity from the virus. It won't take away what she is seeing every day though. Stay strong , pass on my best wishes and thanks
Thanks for that I really appreciate it , thankfully she is okay and back to work helping others less fortunate

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