Coronavirus: Football Discussion Thread

That's my point. No. Both care homes have no Covid related deaths so far. Only small but all the same. 40 Covid related deaths across both hospitals my step daughter is linked too. Very sad., but population approx 500,000 Where are you getting 'body bags everywhere' personal experience, or what you see in the media. Don't mean to be rude.
Joe Jamail you ain't:
"I know no one personally affected in my extended family/work colleagues"
"40 Covid related deaths across both hospitals my step daughter is linked too (sic)"
You reckon a private call could settle this. Given your spelling I have to question whether your parents will let you near the phone on your own.
I give up. Do you want to hazard a guess how many other deaths there have been over the same period of time for other reasons. Also stop the grammatical nonsense, its via a mobile for goodness sake. Final point. I know it's a nightmare situation currently, and I hope everyone stays as safe as possible, but around midday tomorrow when the Americans wake up, I will have to fight tooth and nail to keep my employees and friends protected from redundancy.
No doubt you think the Holocaust was an exaggeration as well. The whole country is in lock down and you think it's some kind of PR excersise.
Take a look at what happens if this goes unchecked by lock down by having a read of events of 1918-19 and when the virus really gets hold and starts to mutate into far more virulent forms that act like a haemorrhagic fever and kill a healthy individual in 12 hours.
I have lots of friends in the health service from consultants to porters across several hospitals in the north west. All of them say they have never seen anything like this outbreak and the number of deaths it's causing. I was speaking to one of 3 people I know who have had it this morning who is just out of hospital. She was aware 2 people died on the ward she was on in the few days she was there. To back this up the local authority have taken on extra staff at the crematorium so they can work around the clock. To suggest it's being blown out of proportion is quite frankly absurd. As an aside Huby province reports areas going into secondary lock down under Chinese authority orders due further outbreaks now occurring and those who thought they were immune having suffered the disease once have become re infected or the active virus has become reanimated. This thing has not finished by a long way yet.
Of course the economic outlook is bleak and those of us who are middle aged will be picking the tax bill up for this for the rest of our lives. That too will have its casualties over time. For someone educated enough to have a 2.1 I'd expect a better understanding of this kind of government intervention being absolutely necessary in these circumstances.
Can we not just ban this daft ****? Peddling this bollocks about flu etc? Scouse blue - take me up on my offer; get down to your local hospital and get washing the sheets. You'll be fine, no worse than bronchitis. Go on. Go for it. You'll be fine. You've a 2:1 masters. Fucking marvellous. Let's continue the Top Trumps whilst you're here, I've a 1st in modern languages. And a doctorate in spotting thick ****s. Do one. Thick ****.
The asterisks and scrote-slang you use in your last few sentences do not seem to indicate academic ability in any language.
Major events including football matches are banned in Germany until 31st August.
That means for me the champions league is over then, Bayern can’t play their games, so if everyone else is do they play any games away? Saw a video yesterday Rodri is in Madrid, there are players all over the world, he’s nowhere near match fit but the sound of it. They’ve all got to get back, get fit play games, it’s not happening. I don’t think anyone cares anymore, I’d even say the players feel the same, can you imagine them trying to get up for these games, behind closed doors with nothing really to play for! Send the scouse twats their medals in the post who gives a shit. No crowd, no parade no crowning glory, next time they play, they maybe champions but no one will care.
I’ll be honest I’ve not really missed football, stress levels and bad moods when we lose are gone, having to swap shifts to watch the game live, all gone, will I go back when it’s all over, of course but I won’t be pulling my tripe out to get to every game ever again.
That means for me the champions league is over then, Bayern can’t play their games, so if everyone else is do they play any games away? Saw a video yesterday Rodri is in Madrid, there are players all over the world, he’s nowhere near match fit but the sound of it. They’ve all got to get back, get fit play games, it’s not happening. I don’t think anyone cares anymore, I’d even say the players feel the same, can you imagine them trying to get up for these games, behind closed doors with nothing really to play for! Send the scouse twats their medals in the post who gives a shit. No crowd, no parade no crowning glory, next time they play, they maybe champions but no one will care.
I’ll be honest I’ve not really missed football, stress levels and bad moods when we lose are gone, having to swap shifts to watch the game live, all gone, will I go back when it’s all over, of course but I won’t be pulling my tripe out to get to every game ever again.
Some good points but I am not sure football will not return behind closed doors in Germany. However, it seems highly likely that we won't be gathering together to watch City home or away for a long time perhaps many months.

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