Coronavirus: Football Discussion Thread

The Premier League has been given a deadline of May 25 by UEFA to provide its detailed plan to restart the season. However, some top-flight clubs are opposed to the idea of using neutral grounds as it would damage the integrity of the competition. [

anything but playing your home games in front of your own fans damages the integrity of the competition
I live with them. They are starting to suffer mentally, and with talk of extended restrictions, I’m more worried about that on them than Covid or is mental health not important anymore? We are social animals, and they are being denied that.

As for comparing this to World War Two evacuations, FFS...i’ll tell them to count themselves lucky they’re not getting sent to the countryside because bombs aren’t being dropped on their house. That should do it.
Carry on with your care, concern and love for your kids. It is a natural human trait.

Meanwhile people on the internet will scour threads like this to sneer and argue with others just because they can from behind a computer. This is another human trait that has manifested itself on recent years. Yesterday l woke to read the comments of people being offensive to each other over grammar.

Keep on as you are - you can never stop loving your kids enough or too much especially in these times.

Incidentally the doctors on the news are concerned about the mental issues which might occur as a result of people of all ages being cooped up away from their normal activities and friends.

What do experts know compared with our usual suspects?
That’s fine. Your life, your choice. If you want to stay indoors indefinitely until this is fixed, nobody is stopping you. I’m certainly not alone in my views.

Thanks. I’ll tell my kids I don’t care about their mental wellbeing because someone off bluemoon told me to. Job done.

I’m done responding on this now though. I can see where this is going, and I don’t want to start insulting people in return.
We all want and need normality back in the world and to have that freedom we had until recently but for the last few weeks, we have been curtailed (and rightly so).

I may be wrong but I suspect you are simply airing your grievance because your kids are bored shitless (like I suspect the majority are), not because of their mental wellbeing. Kids have proven countless times, they are more resilient than we give them credit for.

Like the rest of us, you need to ride this out for however long it is deemed necessary. Hopefully, you can help your kids understand this need
This is for all those who say if the lockdown continues it will kill the economy. If there was over a 25% death rate of the working population, what economy would there be left to kill. It would be on knees would it not. I would rather have another 2/3 weeks of lockdown and get on top of the coronavirus. Then in say a month we have to have another lockdown because it is rising faster than before. This would then really kill the economy would it not.

As for the Premier League getting back up, if football is to continue lets start with those clubs in League 2 first. Give them 2 weeks of playing games and lets see if there is a rise of the virus in the population, because supporters will congregate outside grounds. I have know doubt about it. Then every 3 weeks or so up the leagues. Should those catching the coronavirus start to rise then shut down all sports until a vaccine has been shown to be working.

If this means that there is no sports till next year then so be it. Remember you will be along time dead. This club of ours was here before all of us, and I am sure that it will be here a long time after were gone.

anything but playing your home games in front of your own fans damages the integrity of the competition
If wider circumstances - e.g. continued restrictions on mass gatherings - dictated it I wouldn't have a problem with the entire 20/21 season being played under modified rules and regs such as behind closed doors and more subs allowed but you cannot play the outstanding 19/20 league games under different rules, that's just bullshit from the PL.
Is it really that hard for the bigwigs who run football to just turn around and say “ lives are more important”, “football is finished until next season, the season is null and void”, ..............there, this old dog of a plasterer can do it, surely some idiot in a suit at UEFA can do the same
we're all suffering to some extent ( apart from the nob heads that carry on doing what they want to do regardless) and we will all experience the suffering brought about by the financial damage the lockdown is doing. I'm grateful my kids are old enough to have moved out and can fend for themselves but that brings on other 'suffering when i can't visit them or vice versa'. There are pros and cons with all this, the family next door to me have very thoughtfully put up a basketball hoop for their young lad and all we get is the pounding noise of the ball on the stone flags. Driving us fucking mad, but what do you say? Just need to be guided by the experts on this and how we are doing on the ground coping with it. Other countries are further along the road , it'll be interesting what happens in Italy . I think the likes of Germany and Sweden may catch a cold on this (pardon the pun)in the coming months. Just because they have had few deaths and are held up as shining lights to follow, without a vaccine the threat is still present
I think your right about Germany. It’s all about reporting the cause of death which is keeping numbers low. They have more hospitalised patients than the UK including those on ventilation, so the success of measures is questionable.
Only way out of this is a combination of testing (active and immunity) until vaccine. We will be on some kind of fluid lockdown for the foreseeable. Life will not be the same until a vaccine.
That’s fine. Your life, your choice. If you want to stay indoors indefinitely until this is fixed, nobody is stopping you. I’m certainly not alone in my views.

Thanks. I’ll tell my kids I don’t care about their mental wellbeing because someone off bluemoon told me to. Job done.

I’m done responding on this now though. I can see where this is going, and I don’t want to start insulting people in return.
I didn't say indefinitely, there are conditions and i get out to exercise on my own or with the missus, as you can with yours. Once it starts raining your kids will be happy in their bedrooms on the playstation once they've done their homework
I think your right about Germany. It’s all about reporting the cause of death which is keeping numbers low. They have more hospitalised patients than the UK including those on ventilation, so the success of measures is questionable.
Only way out of this is a combination of testing (active and immunity) until vaccine. We will be on some kind of fluid lockdown for the foreseeable. Life will not be the same until a vaccine.
Agree, these are my feelings also. It's a concern on all fronts- health, social and financial

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